Chapter 8: Internet Gossip

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(Warning this contains cyber bulling if you are sensitive to that please skip the part I have labeled)

Your POV

I got my lunch and started eating. I was with the Satan's Worshippers squad and I learnt that Max was a worshipper, since he had just swooped in and joined us for lunch. While Satan stole everyone's food cause she forgot to bring her pocket money. Welp. Anyways once lunch was over, the squad and I went to our respective classes.

Tem Skip after school

The bell had just rung signalling school had ended for the day. Yay. Just then I got a buzz from my pocket, which contained my phone.

Message from,
Mum ;3:
Hey hun,
Me and your dad are gonna go back to your home town cause Grandpa is sick. Probably comin' home in a week, take care of yourself. Make sure (B/N) does not bring any girls home! If he does I will pound em to the ground. Bye hunny~

I rose an eyebrow at my mum and dad's sudden disappearance. And my Brother would not be back till next morning as he was sleeping over at his friend's place. "Okay? So I will be home alone with the egotistical bastard. That's cool." I thought to myself with sarcasm.

Agh, tonight is gonna be one rough night. I started walking back to my estate to prepare for the Link wanna-be to come. ( I have no idea why but I feel so bad now. Sorry Benny for calling u names >:/ )

When I reached my estate, I got out some of my old math notes to test myself last time. But i don't need them anymore. I prepared some drinks and snacks cause I'm a good host and prepared for arrival of Ben.

(Cyber bullying comin' in)
Meanwhile, I was browsing through my social media. Which was a rare thing as I would usually be hitting up books in my room or library, being anti-social. As I was browsing through Instagram. I found a certain post that caught my attention. Some how, my insta account was tagged in the post.

Curiously, I clicked on the post and looked what it was about.

There... was a picture of me. With my "Boyfriend". And there it stated, "look at little (Y/N), she's probably so sad that her Boyfriend dumped her, but I would not be surprised, with that ugly face of her's nobody would love her." My eyes widen as they started tearing. "What. The. Hell."I thought, "how the heck did they get this, it's from two years ago!"
(It's safe here!)

" (Y/N)~ Where are you?" I was playing hide and seek with my Boyfriend in the park as I was hiding in a bush, he was looking for me. I tried not to giggle but failed as I let a sound out and he snapped his head towards me. "Found ya!" He exclaimed happy that he had won the game. I pouted and made a sad look.

His eyes softened as he slowly stroked my hair, a habit he got since we started dating. When I asked him about it he just shrugged and said," your hair is soft"

I didn't mind the fact that he was stroking me like a puppy, it was quite calming to me too, to say the least. I sighed as I pulled him into a big hug.
"You always win." I said, the sound of my voice was muffled by his clothing. He smiled and said, "okay, let's stop playing and do something you like, okay?" I quickly nodded, recovering from my lost of the game and we walked hand in hand on the street towards my favourite ice cream parlour.

Who doesn't love ice cream?

We each had our desired flavours, I got (F/F) while my Boyfriend, whose name was Helen, got red velvet. Then we went to the art studio together, Helen loved to paint for some reason. He would always be ranting about painting and how Red makes everything more colourful. I agreed with him as I did like the colour red. Overall, he was the first and best and last boyfriend I thought I would get. I was wrong.

One day, I wanted to surprise him with a cake for being such a great Boyfriend. I was in his apartment, the cake in the fridge while I was hiding in his closet, waiting for his arrival. Then I heard the muffled sounds of talking and the door opening and closing.

I peaked through the closet to get a better look that's when I saw Helen and some other girl, which mind you looked like she had the word "slut" written all over her, she had bright blonde hair and wayyy too much make up on, she was wearing a mini mini skirt (very very small mini skirt) and a shirt, that would have complimented her chest, but she had no chest. (-.-) Overall, slut.

And worst of all, Helen had his arm slung around her, they were saying words that I could not hear clearly due to me being in the closet, but then, Helen turned her around and leaned in.

Their faces touched and my eyes widened.

My jaw dropped down to the ground and I stumbled back which caused me to make some noise and drop out on the ground with a "plop".

The cheater and the slut stopped their make out session and looked at the closet. (Ew gross) Then their eyes landed on me.

My eyes started tearing up, I had really, really, loved Helen. I guess not all endings are a happy ending...

Glancing one last time at the cheater, he had a pained expression on his face. Why though?

It was his choice to cheat.

What if his feelings were fake all along? What if he didn't even love me?

"(Y/N), it's not like that!" He exclaimed, pushing the girl to the ground quickly and advancing toward me.

I scattered back, i couldn't trust him anymore.

"We're over," I muttered, the putter latter of my tears dropping on his wooden floor finally sounded as I ran out. Floodgates open widely as uncontrollable tears ran down my cheeks.

(If I wrote that in my compo, Azz would be pwroud ;3) (Azzy : my child, I'm already proud of you.)

I felt my eyes cloud with tears as I recalled that memory from so long ago. Helen wasn't the guy I thought he was, that cheating bastard! I wiped away the tears with my sleeve. Come on now, (Y/N). He brought it upon himself when he cheated on you with that slut! You're much better without him now. I scolded myself.

The doorbell sounded, followed by a shout of, "(Y/N), GET YOUR ASS UP AND RUNNING, ITS RAINING AND I FUKIN HATE WATER!".

Wait, it was raining? OH SHIT THE CLOTHES --

I scrambled to get up, almost breaking my neck in the process like the clumsy idiot I was, running like Usain Bolt to the door. I grabbed the doorknob and pulled it open roughly, coming face to face with.....

Sup peeps! If you all noticed a change in the style of writing, then good for you! If not, I don't blame you, I honestly see no difference as well.

Anyways, the part starting from the end of the flashback was written by Yours Truly, Aurorafur_Daemon! Unoffical editor and co-writer of this book, also the Author's IRL best friend.

Anyways -- *yeets the chapter at the readers* enjoy, suckers.

*runs away laughing like a madwoman while throwing kittens at random people(don't worry, I wrapped the kits in blankets)*

I wish you a day. No 'good' for you, because I'm evil.

Wait no - that's reserved for the Author -

(Author-Chan here~, Azz edited the last part and it was clear cuz I would not put "fudge" in Ma story, even tho I swear alittle compared to Azz. ;3 anyways I didn't get to say bye so,
I bid u adiu~ ). I feel like that line is like now a normal thing.


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