Chapter 24: Benny Boi Coming To the Rescue?

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I woke up at the camp dorms. Why am I here? What happened? Millions of questions surged through my mind but then I remembered somethin- no, someone important.


I shouted, looking around furiously. My mind was still a blur of what happened but I remembered going to the colourful maze with (Y/N), then we were walking, then I got knocked out by someone or something.

"Shaddup! You're so noisy, jeez." A voice rasped. I spun around to see Satan and the Satan worshippers, her arms were crossed as she was glaring daggers at me. You literally feel her scary aurora (unintentional pun) from a mile (also unintentional pun) away.

I gulped as she walked closer to me, "Benjamin." She said. I nodded showing that I was listening.

"Where's (Y/N)?" She asked, her voice getting louder by the second. My eyes widened, she was not with the crew? Meaning...

"I don't know... all I remember is being knocked out when we went to the colourful maze obstacle." I explained, groaning a bit from the up coming headache.

Maple thought for awhile before her unique orbs widened, "Helen."

Confused, I tilted my head a bit asking, "who's Helen?" She shook her head and sighed, a frown on her face.

"This guy I have a bad backstory with... (Y/N) must be that girl he cheated on." Despite her whispering the last part, I still heard it. My eyes widened in shock as my mouth fell a gap.

"She got cheated on before?" Satan nodded sadly as she explained, "So Helen was bullied to the brink of death, but he said that (Y/N) came and 'lit up his life', note to quotation marks, considering (Y/N) was a sweet girl, she was liked by most so seeing (Y/N) and Helen together, people stopped bullying Helen. Then his sick mind took advantage of her, she used her to gain popularity and then came back to his house, cheating with a shitty slut. That happened years ago though, then, he thought he was so cool that he could take me on in a fight, so if it was a fight he wants it's a fight he gets, and at last I won." She took a deep breath.

"He was lost with the whole school watching our fight, kicked him down and he broke a rib. Wasn't my best moment, but wasn't my worst either, that bastart deserved it." She continued.

"If I'm guessing right, he should be back for revenge. That stupid fudger, I should have burned him while I could." She muttered, fist clenched tightly.

Even though inside, I was quivering in fear of what could happen to (Y/N), I sucked it up and put on a determined face. "Let's save her then!" I said loudly.

All their faces turned to me, frowns were soon twitched upwards into wide grins, "YEAH!" They shouted, as determined as me.

And thus, we started planning.

Third Person POV
"Okay, so if he took her from the colourful maze, then they probably couldn't have gotten too far since it was just an hour since you woke up. So if we scan the area, we should find something, anything." Satan explained.

"But shouldn't we contact the Teachers first?" Cherry asked. Satan shook her head, "no, this is something I have to deal with, so if we can't find them, we will call the Teachers. If we can find them, I fight Helen while Ben and Azure recuses (Y/N)." She continued,

"Helen was always a coward (I'm so sorry Helen, i still luv you.), so he most likely has other people protecting the area. So this has got to be a fight or be quiet battle. Max and Cherry be back up fighters, you guys can fight well, Azz too. So Azz will protect (Y/N) since we don't know how many Guards there are for Ben to handle. Everyone clear?" She asked. We all nodded our heads.

"YES!" We shouted simultaneously.

"But one last thing... Helen is..." she drifted off before continuing, her voice merely a Whisper, " he's gone a bit... off the edge. So just be careful okay?" She said, worry evident in her voice and facial expression. We nodded although not really understanding her statement.

"Okay then, let's do this!" Satan encouraged.

We all got geared up, and by that I mean we just went to the kitchen and stole some knifes and food, water too. I mean, we are just a bunch a 14 and 15 year olds, we couldn't buy drugs yet. (Yet I think Satan eats them anyways.)

"Alright, we start searching in an hour. Go prep yourselves." She explained. We all once again nodded, understanding as we parted ways.

To meet in an hour.

Okie, June holidays are here! I can write some more yay! I should be able to post more chapters during this month, I won't know. Anyways, as always hope y'all enjoyed and,
I bid you adieu~ good day~

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