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In all honesty, only one emotion coursed through Dylan's veins the entire ride over to Olivia's.

What if something happened on set?
What if she got into an accident onto her way home?
What if she decided she didn't want to go on a date with him?
What if she found someone else?
What if a giant bear broke into her house and attacked her?

Dylan shook his head, dismissing the last idea. Bears can't turn door knobs.

But what if, what if, what if.

They spun like a broken record in his head as he headed up her front steps, only worsening the longer he stood there with no movement from inside her house. Surely, she wouldn't ignore him. Right?

"Screw it," he cursed under his breath, digging in his pockets for the spare key Olivia gave him strictly for emergencies.

Let's see. Olivia didn't text him back. Dani messaged him about Olivia's lack of response and now she wouldn't answer the door? Definitely an emergency in Dylan's book.

Turning the lock and pushing the door forward, Dylan called out her name once more. When silence greeted him, he fully stepped inside. Right away he noticed most of the lights were off, except the one in the living room. His curiosity led him to the doorway for the small lounge, his brown eyes scanning the area for any sign of life.

At first, he didn't see her. She acted as a mere bump underneath a thick, giant grey blanket on the couch, with her face practically invisible from being curled into her fist. But when he did, his entire face softened while his anger and worry melted away.

She looked worn-out, yet peaceful as she slept. From what he could see, the clothes she wore were different than he remembered from that morning and her hair was now in a braided messy bun that left loose hairs to lay across her cheek.

But Dylan should've expected this. After all, she had been up since three and running only on coffee the entire day. She was bound to crash. Dylan would also rather her miss their date to catch up on much needed rest than anything else.

So, Dylan draped another blanket over her figure, watching a small smile overtake her lips as she unconsciously snuggled into it.
After placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, he flicked off the living room light and settled into the arm chair besides the couch to get some rest himself.

A new idea began to form in his brain, mixing with his thoughts about how he knew every date with Olivia was going to be as crazy and memorable as this one. He just couldn't wait to see what Olivia thought about his impromptu date for the next morning.

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