autocomplete interview 33

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DYLAN: Hey everyone, I'm Dylan O'Brien! {looks to his left}

OLIVIA: {waves to the camera} I'm Liv Mason!

TYLER: {throws up a piece sign} And I'm Tyler Posey!

DYLAN: Right! And today we are doing the WIRED... {motions to Olivia}

OLIVIA: Autocomplete...

TYLER: {shouts} Interview!

Autocomplete suggests the most common searches on the internet


DYLAN: {scrunching up his nose} Why on earth is that you're go-to dance move?

TYLER: {brushes him off with a dramatic wave} You wouldn't understand, Dyl-Pickle!

{both boys start to bicker}

OLIVIA: {rolls eyes before looking at camera} Kill me y'all, I'm begging you.


So WIRED sat the cast of the hit drama, Teen Wolf, down to answer some of the internet's burning questions


OLIVIA: {accepts a board from the assistant with a smile} Thank you very much! {looks down at it} Looks like we're starting with you Posey!

TYLER: Oh dear.

DYLAN: {rips off first strip of tape} Oh it's sticky! {waves his hand spastically to get it off} Someone help me!

OLIVIA: {calmly leans over and takes it off while balancing the board in her hand}

DYLAN: {smiles at her while Tyler reads off the question}

TYLER: Does Tyler Posey do his own stunts? {grins at camera} I do!

OLIVIA: {raises eyebrows} So...are we gonna pretend that David doesn't exist?

TYLER: {corrects himself and sighs} I do most of my own stunts. David steps in when know, gets thrown into a cabinet or through a wall.

DYLAN: {Rips off next one and cringes} God I hate the sound it makes, anyways, 'Does Tyler Posey brush his teeth?'

TYLER: {talks over Olivia and Dylan's laughter} Of course I brush my teeth don't be ridiculous! {leans over Dylan, who is still laughing in his hand, to rip off next piece} 'Does Tyler Posey cry?' Every damn day y'all. Next question.

OLIVIA: {giggling as she held the board for Dylan} That's such a mood. 'Can Tyler Posey dance?' {snorts} Define dancing.

TYLER: {jaw drops open} Excuse me, Olive!"

DYLAN: She's right, bro. You don't really dance, you kinda just do this {starts to wiggle his arms and torso}

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