bonus: staying silent isn't an option

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livmason posted a photo

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livmason I understand that I will never understand. However, I stand with you. I stand with the black community who is mourning the losses of more souls, and I stand with those who are protesting to fight against this evil. Posting statements is only the first step. We have to come together and fight this hatred being spewed because ignoring it is NOT AN OPTION. There are good people losing their lives, family members, friends, etc. because people see their skin color as a threat. THAT's NOT OKAY.
Sign petitions, support local black businesses, VOTE, educate yourself by reading and listening and communicating. This has gone on long enough and nothing will change unless we change our ways.

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dobrien posted a photo

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dobrien I am spending my day donating. Join me if you have the means. Will post links where you can contribute. If you do NOT have the means do donate, that's okay, and completely understandable. You can still contribute in many other ways...
sign the petitions, share their name and DO NOT FORGET
#BLM #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd ‪ #JusticeforAhmaudArbery‬

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tylerposey58 posted a photo

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tylerposey58 You cannot just "not be racist" anymore. You must be antiracist. What does that mean? In the words of Ibram X. Kendi: "Like fighting an addiction, being an antiracist requires persistent self-awareness, constant self-criticism and regular self-examination."
Let's get to work. I don't know what it's like to be black in America and if you're not black, NEITHER DO YOU. We don't know the details of how exactly they feel marginalized. Amplify the black voices. Learn about their individual experiences, the injustices they've suffered, and the way they've been mistreated and silenced for so long. Don't stop talking and spreading the importance of this. It's time to stop the hatred once and for all. Justice needs to be served.

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