3- Neat Freak vs Fridge

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Taehyung and I managed to have a nice dinner together, stress free and Jungkook free, and it was a nice reprieve from the tense air while we were at home. Even after we made it back to relax in the living room, Jungkook was still gone. I could only wish Jungkook would disappear back to the city and keep the apartment tranquil for the rest of the summer.

"Did you want to do anything?" Taehyung sat on the edge of the smaller couch and glanced at the TV. "We could play Wii Sports like the old days," I tried to not look as excited as I felt. Having Taehyung home made me nostalgia sick for the days when we were kids. I was a bowling pro while Taehyung was a tennis pro, and we used to argue about which one we would play first.

In anticipation for Taehyung's stay, I'd already hooked up our old Wii and replaced all the batteries in the controllers. Wii Sports was already loaded in the disc slot from the few sessions of tennis I'd played to hopefully get the edge on him. It'd been years since I had even a slight chance at winning, and I wanted to take advantage of him being out of practice.

"Get ready for your butt to be kicked," I smiled as the familiar chime of the Wii Sports load in channel played through the TV speakers.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and grabbed the green Wiimote that he used to use. "You're on."


"Your practice was for nothing, my sweet sister."

I hated to validate Taehyung's ego as he stood next to me with a cocky smile on his face. The subtle pout on my face increased as I stared at his Mii celebrating his third victory in a row. I was only able to score on him once.

"We're switching," I narrowed my eyes and closed out of tennis before Taehyung could start a new game. I selected bowling without hesitation, and Taehyung rolled his eyes and dropped to the smaller couch.

"Sore loser."

"I'm just evening out the playing field is all."

Strike after Strike, Spare after Spare... Taehyung didn't have a chance against me. The muscle memory came more naturally to me than with tennis, even with all my practice, and I ended the last frame with a total of 215 points. Not bad for my first try in several years.

"Okay whatever," Taehyung narrowed his eyes in a petty pout as he took the safety strap off his wrist, "I'd like to see you beat Jungkook at this. He's a pro at bowling in real life, so I bet he'd blow your score out of the water."

"I doubt it," I smugly replied, confidence boosting as my Mii did a victory dance, "I'm just getting started with that 215. Next game will be above 250."

"Sure," Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I still think he could beat you. He definitely could smoke you in real bowling."

"Well," I huffed as Taehyung walked forward to turn the Wii off. "We'll never find out. I don't plan to spend enough time around him to test either of your theories."

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