13- Hold Him Accountable

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It took me a good hour to finally get myself up out of bed. I had been listening to the noises of Jungkook and Taehyung moving around in the apartment, and I just stayed in my bed, cuddling my pillow to me. I only slept a total of three hours last night, and judging from all the movement I heard outside my room, Jungkook didn't sleep well, either.

"Ari?" I heard Taehyung knock on the door as I jumped in surprise. I had been so lost in thought that even a noise so soft made my heart race. "Can I come in?

I didn't answer. A handful of seconds went by before he knocked again.

"Everything okay?"

I still didn't answer.

Taehyung slowly opened the door and peeked inside. He spotted my form laying in bed, pathetic and exhausted, stepping into my room. He closed the door behind him as I felt myself internally groan. I still wasn't ready to face Taehyung after everything that happened yesterday. Not to mention, I hated talking to people in the morning, especially if I hadn't had time or the energy to get up and brush my teeth first.

"Hey," Taehyung slightly smiled as he pulled something small out of his pocket—a piece of gum. It wasn't a substitution for brushing my teeth, but it'll get me through this conversation without vomiting from my own breath's smell.

I grabbed the gum and popped it into my mouth with a soft "thank you". Taehyung sat on the edge of my bed, and I glanced over his demeanor. He was in a relatively good mood. I wish I could match his energy.

Jungkook's words about Taehyung plagued me for the nth time since I woke up. What other secrets did he keep from me?

The excitement in Taehyung's eyes slowly dissipated the longer he looked at me. His words caused me to flinch. "What's wrong?"

I couldn't find it in me to lie, so I just didn't say the whole truth. "Yesterday was... miserable. I learned a lot of things about... a co-worker that I can't unlearn."

Taehyung frowned and leaned forward. "Is it one that I've met?"

I stared down at my comforter. "No." I swallowed and hugged my pillow tighter to me. As much as I wanted to lose it—to tear into him about everything I learned—I couldn't. Things were tense enough already with Jungkook, and picking fights with Taehyung would only add fuel to a fire I'm trying to put out.

No part of me wanted to kick Jungkook out. Now that I finally had something concrete to push Taehyung in that direction, I couldn't go through with it. At the very least, I could use it to keep Jungkook on his toes. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a nervous wreck right now.

"Do you want me to help you get your mind off of it?" Taehyung offered. I sent him a forced smile and shook my head.

"I'll be fine," I answered. Before he could stand up, a different thought popped into my head. "How was work for you yesterday?"

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