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Awaiting him was none other than...

Queen Analyn with Sebastian in her arms.

Vindicatio studied the little boy; he looked just like Ettore had at that age. The young boy was undoubtedly his half brother. His curly light brown hair and piercing gray eyes. He sniffed the air. He was a werewolf.

"Ciao, Madre," Vindicatio stated indifferently, his eyes moving from his younger brother to his mother. Her light hair was down in loose curls, she was dressed in a simple dress, as though she had just gotten out of bed. He could hear her heartbeat, it was erratic as it pumped furiously in her chest. ("Hello, mother.")

"Vindicatio," she replied softly, a sob escaping her mouth. She studied her eldest son, he was gorgeous; the embodiment of a purebred lycan. She took a tentative step forward, looking up at his stoic face. "You look just like him." 

His eyes narrowed to slits, "how could you do this to me, mother? Why did you trap me inside a vessel, was I not good enough?" He took a step forward, his face held a sneer, "how could you toss us out? Didn't you love us?" He was referring to himself and Ettore. Analyn squeezed Sebastian closer to herself. 

"Of course I loved you," she cried out, "I didn't have a choice!"

"You had a choice!" Vindicatio erupted, "you had a choice to keep me and go off with Salvatore but you chose the power and the throne! You're selfish."

"I know I'm selfish," she looked down at the ground, "it was the only way I could keep myself alive. I would've been killed had the court found out I had a baby by another man and not Vincenzo."

"Do you regret it?"

"Of course I regret it!" She exclaimed, "I realize now that I ruined your life, you never got to live through your biggest milestones, and now you'll have to vicariously through Ettore's memories."

"You ruined me, mother," Vindicatio snarled, "you created an animal that seeks nothing but retribution. I'm nothing like Ettore, he would've been quick to forgiveness. I, however, am not. A wolf does not know how to forgive." Analyn took a step back, her eyes widening. 

"Are you scared, mother?" He asked as he began to circle her and Sebastian. Sebastian watched him with wide eyes, almost in awe. "Your heart beats so erratically. Is it out of fear or is it because you lie?" He snapped out, his eyes flashing gold. "I can sense when someone's lying, it's a telltale sign when their heart rate picks up and their eyes look everywhere but at the person to whom they're speaking to, you don't regret shit. You were probably happier when Ettore was sent away. He was a liability that you were more than happy to cut loose. You knew that I would awaken sooner than later and expose you!"

"Enough!" Vindicatio ripped his eyes from his mother to the upper balcony to see Vincenzo -- a gold, obsidian jewel-encrusted crown settled upon his head of short, dark blonde hair. Queen Anayln set Sebastian down, allowing him to run off. Vindicatio had no intentions of harming him, he kept his eyes on Vincenzo. ""How dare you threaten your mother that way!"

Vindicatio looked down the two corridors that branched at the entranceway, from the right came a flock of guards. And from the left came his pack, sprinting to his aid. He admired their loyalty. He turned himself so he stood in front of the left corridor. Soon his pack was behind him, everyone was in their human forms, standing eager and ready from the impending fight. The guards pushed Queen Analyn behind them, allowing her to escape up the stairs where Vincenzo waited for her.

The guards drew their silver swords, attacking first. Vindicatio moved backward in the group so he was near Syretia, he kept close enough to protect her but not too close that if he had to take steps back while fighting that he wouldn't collide against her and injure her accidentally. A guard charged him, swinging his sword and successfully managed to slice Vindicatio's skin. There was a slight burn from the initial cut, but not from the sword being pure silver. Vindicatio couldn't imagine the pain the others felt if they too received any cuts. However, he knew that they would heal at a human rate since the silver hindered their quick healing abilities. He watched his wound sear shut; the only thing remaining was a small river of blood trickling down his arms. He trailed his narrowed eyes to the guard who looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Vindicatio punched the guard, sending him flying, his sword released from his grip. Vindicatio grabbed the sword and began hacking at the other guards trying to level the playing field. The others fought well, able to take down their opponents. Even Syretia managed to kick a weaponless guard in the nuts, before quickly scurrying away from him.

Chaska had left Salvatore tied to a marble post while they fought.

In the commotion, no one saw a dark-haired woman with ruby red lips, and a stocky blonde man run off with Salvatore.

After the fight, everyone dropped to the ground, panting heavily. They were all exhausted and the fight had just begun. Vindicatio remained standing, looking over the group, he was proud of them. They were all resilient and smart, even him, he thought as his eyes landed on Darrin who was leaning back against the wall where he sat. He moved his gaze to Syretia, striding over to her.

"Stai bene?" He asked as he began to examine her for any injuries. Syretia gave him a look of confusion before he repeated, "Are you okay?"

"A little shaken up, I've never witnessed anything like this," she stated. "But other than that I'm perfectly fine." Vindicatio continued to study her, lowering himself as he pushed up the sleeves of her hoodie. She lifted her hand and placed it against his bloodied right cheek, his eyes immediately met hers, "Vindicatio, I'm fine. Really."

He nodded, straightening himself. His eyes caught the limp rope that had once been tied to Salvatore.

"Where the fuck is Salvatore!"He roared, stepping around Syretia before running down the corridor. Salvatore's scent had disappeared as though it had been masked. "Merda," he cursed under his breath. ("Shit") He stormed back, an accusatory finger stuck out in the air as his angry eyes found Chaska sitting on the floor, "you."

Chaska visibly gulped as Vindicatio crouched down in front of him, gripping onto his long, braided hair, "I should hang you from the balcony by your fucking hair. You incompetent fool, how could you leave Salvatore unattended."

"It was watching him or watching my packmates get hurt," Chaska's eyes hardened. "We'll get him back."

"You better," Vindicatio spat out with malice, "I don't want to worry about Salvatore while I'm settling things here."

"Yes, Vin," Chaska replied, lowering his gaze. A sign of submission. 

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