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Syretia placed the last folded shirt into her suitcase, resting her hands there, letting her thoughts wander she had just gotten back to her room after confiding in a close friend. 

It had been almost three weeks since she recovered from infectious rabies and Vindicatio's bite. She had yet to have undergone any physical changes which was perplexing to everyone but Evanora thought it was just because Syretia was human and not a werewolf before being turned. At first, Syretia felt energetic, healthy, and strong... almost reborn. But a few days ago things started to change, she kept it hidden not wanting Vindicatio to catch on. She didn't want to worry him, he had gone through so much already.

 She started to feel drained, both emotionally and physically, but she pressed on not wanting to worry anyone. Vindicatio had been so much happier, even had a skip in his step as he walked around the castle. She supposed it was probably because a weight had been lifted off of his head. 


The King's crown had been lifted from his tousled black hair and placed upon Alfonso's head. Vindicatio had suggested it when Ettore was about to take the throne and crown instead. Ettore agreed, he had no place being The King of The Royal Werewolf Court when he didn't even have a wolf to shift into. Besides that, he wanted to travel around the world. He had never been able to do anything he wanted and with his new lease on life and freedom of his own, he was going to take advantage of it. 

Alfonso was the perfect fit, he knew how to take command. He had compassion and authority. He knew what it was like to be a good leader, he had proved as much leading up to the battle with Salvatore. Alfonso looked regal the night of the ceremony and Syretia couldn't help but be ecstatic for him, they all were. Alfonso even managed to crack a smile for a gag picture with the extravagant cape, crown, and scepter. 

After the ceremony, Vindicatio told Syretia they'd be leaving for Bonaloo Bay shortly, and she couldn't contain her excitement. Italy was gorgeous, and the subjects of the Werewolf Royal Court were amazing, but this wasn't her home and it wasn't Vindicatio's either. They were even set on taking Sebastian with them, they figured a life away from a world so corrupt would prove best for him. 

The white rogues had moved on, back to the polar regions, it was all they knew. But they were set on reorganizing their pack and how it was run. A female named Josephine took over the alpha position and deemed the pack as a Wild one and bestowed it with a name: The Algid pack. No longer were they deemed as rogues with a wretched myth following them. 

Evanora was on her deathbed, Syretia decided to visit her the other morning and she was just skin and bones, her personality shown through still nevertheless but it was heartbreaking. Sure, she had done a bad thing by tampering with dark magic but Syretia believed Evanora redeemed herself... but the forces of magic weren't as forgiving. Syretia confided in her about feeling weaker and simple things were becoming more strenuous and Evanora told her that it probably had to do with the second result on the paperwork. 

That morning Evanora was with Syretia when she found out that she had more terrible news.

"I didn't think it was possible for that to happen," Syretia's eyes brimmed with tears as she turned to Evanora, "Salvatore said so many times that that wasn't possible."

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