Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Delaney stared into the mirror, her hair wrapped into a series of pin curls, bobby pins sticking out at all angles. She pulled the black wig into place, lining the fringe up with the top of her eyebrows. After shimmying into a strapless, backless corset, she slid into the gauzy white dress, cinching it at the waist with the gold rope. She finished off her make-up by applying thick, black eyeliner, fanning it out at the corners of her eyes. She had to admit; the dark hair did wonders for playing up the color of her eyes, making them appear a brilliant jade green. Once she fastened the knee-high boots, she got in her car and drove to the party.

She was a little late because of work and hesitated as she walked into the party alone. She scanned the crowd looking for either of them—a friendly face to ease the nervous knot in her stomach.

"Looking for someone?" A voice from behind spoke into her ear, the warmth of his breath and scent of tequila lingering.

"Hello, Fin." She turned to face him. He was wearing his typical plaid flannel shirt and jeans with the addition of a cowboy hat. "Nice costume."

"You like?" He tipped his hat to her. "And by the way, you make a smokin' Cleopatra." He hiccupped. His eyes scanned her form from top to bottom and back, lingering on her chest for a brief second before returning his gaze to her eyes.

"I saved the rest of this for you." He handed her a tumbler with amber liquid.

She held it under her nose and inhaled. "Tequila, yuck."

"They say it'll make you stronger, if it doesn't kill you first." He wavered on his feet a bit. "Or something like that."

She took a small sip, watching him over the cup. Something had shifted and she didn't like it. She held her breath and finished the shot. "I can't believe you're drunk already? Geez, the party just started." She laughed insincerely.

"Don't start on me, Red." His eyes bored through her. "Your Anthony is somewhere around here." He waved his beer bottle around, stopping it pointed at her, angled toward her mouth in invitation. "Chaser?" She took the bottle, her hand briefly mingling with his. She took a long pull before handing it back.

Fin watched her; the expression in his eyes was different. Dark. She felt a little uncomfortable. "Why do you keep calling me that? It's certainly not the case tonight." She motioned to the black wig.

"Philadelphia Story? Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn circa 1940."

"Yeah, I love that movie. My mom introduced me to so many from that time." She smiled, thoughtful, as she ran over the movie in her head on fast forward. Subtext, she was always looking for subtext with Fin.

"That's what Dexter called her in the film and I guess you kind of remind me of her a bit." He took a sip and handed her the beer again. "You're all sparky and fiery and always chasing the wrong thing."

"Oh," she said, at a loss for words. She finished the beer, too startled to do anything else.

"You shouldn't wear so much make-up, you know. You're cuter when you don't try to hide those freckles." He raised his finger, gently running it down the length of her nose.

"Fin." She licked her lips. "I..."

"Don't," he interrupted, bringing his finger to rest on her mouth. "I will never be your C.K. Dexter Haven." He smiled wistfully. "I guess I'd better go find my date." Before she had an opportunity to respond, he slowly trailed his finger down her bottom lip and walked away.

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