Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Delaney lay in bed ruminating over the days when she had leapt out of bed to see the spoils Santa left behind. The excitement and pure joy of Christmas morning was overwhelming. Today she was having a difficult time even considering lifting her head off the pillow.

Christmas Eve had been perfect at the Traverse house. The meal was incredible, followed by quiet drinks with everyone gathered around the tree. It was eerily perfect actually, like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting. The happy family congregated around the fire, and as was tradition, talked about the past year—their ups and downs, influences and overall what they were thankful for. Delaney couldn't even imagine what it must have been like to grow up in such a household, where normalcy was just, well—normal.

When it was her turn to share, she thought it best not to mention how her dad knocked over their tree last year, only moments after her mom dropped the bombshell that she'd finally filed for divorce. Instead she opted for lighter fare, and how happy she was to be living in Florida. Shane had gone on about how happy he was to have met her, and how she changed his life. She had opted for the generic, talking about how pleased she was to be included in their family's celebration, which she was, of course. And how grateful she was for all of the new friendships she'd forged since she'd moved to Florida. A lump had risen in her throat when she'd thought of Fin a couple miles away, tucked in under a blanket, reading her most personal thoughts.

Christmas at her house would be simpler, she hoped, even though she knew it was a pipe dream. After all, Fin was expected with her laptop. And knowing him, he will have finished the manuscript.

She replayed a million excuses she had come up with to defend the story and insist that it was truly a work of fiction. As a matter of fact, she thought she was ready to face him, ready to handle any question he may have. "Of course, its fiction," she would say. "I'm with Shane, as you're well aware."

She took a deep breath when the doorbell rang, and swung it open to reveal Fin with festively wrapped presents.

"What have you done?" she asked. She leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. He smelled wonderful, soapy with a light crisp fragrance. She lingered for just a second before pulling away.

"Merry Christmas!" he exclaimed. His face was radiant.

"Come in. Can I help you carry something?"

"Well, this is for you," he handed her a large flat box. "And this is for you Mrs. Parker," he said to her mom as she walked into the room. "Merry Christmas and thanks for having me." He handed her a gift shaped like bottle of wine with a large red bow tied around the neck.

"Good to see you, Fin. Merry Christmas," her mom said as she hugged him. "We have about an hour left until dinner, so you kids keep yourself busy, okay?"

Delaney cleared her throat. She hoped not to have too much alone time with Fin today; she didn't think she could handle it. "Don't you need help, mom?"

"No, no." She scurried out of the room. "I have everything under control."

Delaney looked nervously about the room before settling on rearranging the presents under the tree. "Can I get you anything?" she asked not meeting his eye.

He smirked. "No thanks. I'm good." He paused for a moment, gauging her. "I finished your story." A small smirk was still present on his face.

"Oh?" she asked, feigning nonchalance.

"I liked it," he said.

"Yeah? Good." She fidgeted with the toss pillows, rearranging them on the couch.

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