Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

After months of pouring her heart and soul as well as every spare moment into her manuscript, Delaney typed the most anticipated words—The End. The creative writing classes she'd taken online had really sparked a renewed interest in her writing and given her an outlet for all of the bottled up emotions. In the end, she'd produced a fairly well written, well thought out novel that had plausible characters and storyline. She was assured of the last points, due to the fact that she'd recently realized that her novel contained startlingly similar story threads to those echoed in her own life. It was during the editing process, when she'd begun to take a more objective view of her work, that she'd discovered the parallels. She had two main heroes, fighting for the lead heroine, both whom bared a likeness to Shane and Fin, although she'd never admit that part aloud.

She did, however, realize that Fin and Shane were not fighting over her—far from it. As a matter of fact she hadn't heard a peep from Fin in...well, she was now a little over eight months pregnant and hadn't spoken to him since the day he ripped her heart out, ending things between them. For a while she waited on pins and needles after she'd sent him that last text, hoping he would miss her so terribly he wouldn't be able to keep himself from responding to her. That his overwhelming feelings might perhaps override all the logical thought processes that were keeping him silent. And finally, that his sense of loyalty would ultimately steer him back in her direction. Alas, she was wrong. In one of her fictional stories, she could write a scenario such as that with the couple in question sharing a beautiful, albeit tearful reunion, gushing over their love for one another and living happily ever after. But this was real life and it took a course of its own, occasionally leaving the participant to feel as if they never really had any tangible choices in altering the course of their own existence. And for Fin's lack of involvement, Shane made up for it in spades.

Shane had come with her to the ultrasound appointment where they discovered she was expecting a baby boy. As a matter of fact, Shane had also accompanied her to every doctor's appointment from that day forward and insisted on making it his life's mission to take care of Delaney and the unborn child. Even if it meant running out to the Twistee Treat regularly to procure mint ice cream chocked full of crushed Oreo cookies. She wasn't sure if it was her or the baby that desperately seemed to require this particular from of nourishment. As a matter of fact, last week Shane had even made a trip to Walmart at three o'clock in the morning to buy mint ice cream and a package of Oreos that he crushed himself, folding the cookies into the icy confection before serving it to her in bed.

Yes, Shane's bed, at his apartment where she had moved a little over a month ago. She had no intention of getting back together with Shane, as a matter of fact, her new mission statement was all about flying solo. But here she found herself curled up in bed, with Shane cradling her from behind, his arm draped loosely over her. The past few months he had been so attentive, so understanding, and most importantly so forgiving that he began to fill the aching hole inside her. She allowed herself to become immersed in his attentions and before she knew what she was doing, she found herself back together with him. She felt security, comfort and love—and there was no way she was giving that up willingly. Especially after the way she'd spent the first two trimesters of her pregnancy—alone, depressed and overall, hopeless.

"Morning," he said, constricting his arm around her, pulling her more tightly against his firm chest.

"Morning," she responded. She stretched and settled back more easily into his arms.

"So, my mom wants to have us over for dinner tomorrow," he said nonchalantly.

She blanched, the warm fuzzy feeling abating for one of panic. They had been living in a little bubble for the last month since she moved in and they hadn't even spoken about his parents in regards to the baby. "I'm not sure that's such a good idea." She finally managed, once she regained control of her breathing.

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