Deal with the Devil

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                   No one knows how he came to be, manifesting in a single night to run rampant throughout Hell, spreading fear and creating chaos across the realm.  He was just another mortal soul, arriving in the pits of Hell for the Sins he committed in life, it didn't take him long to awaken to his Dark Powers and went about slaughtering others for his amusement.  The carnage broadcasted for every Demon to hear, using his Demonic Microphone, his Radio Talk Show Host persona displayed for all to see.  This gained him the title: The Radio Demon.  After a time, the Demon began to lose himself, unable to recognize himself or appear coherent to the things around him.  He was a Monster that kept going, killing and devouring whatever he could find until the Day the Devil appeared.  He landed before the crazed Demon, his enormous Angel Wings unfurled behind him as he was shrouded in a flaming aura of HellFire he commanded to his side and in his hands was a long golden spear.  The two beings faced one another; no words were exchanged as the Angelic looking being stood before the Radio Demon.  Without warning, the Shadows and Minions of the Radio Demon charged forward to attack the other, they countered with fire and swinging their spear about to disperse the minions.  The battle between these two was catastrophic, as Fire and Shadow danced throughout the city and with the crazed Radio Demon never backing down the Devil had had enough.  Enraged by how long the fighting had gone on, he flew towards the Radio Demon as the other froze in shock at the speed of his charge; he didn't stand a chance as the Spear was brought to stab straight through the Demon's chest, coughing up blood as he felt himself lose consciousness.  The Devil picked his limp body up to toss it carelessly towards the Forest of Hell, he didn't care if the Demon lived or not as the Devil just wanted the voices within his head to stop their cries for help in dealing with Alastor the Radio Demon.

             Two Years Later...

Within the Forest to the South of the Pentagram City, a thin looking Red Deer made its way through the brush hunting for its next meal.  This Deer was no ordinary run of the mill Deer but in fact, was the Infamous Alastor the Radio Demon, this is where his hunting grounds were and having to consume the flesh of other Deers.  It wasn't difficult to lure the creatures to himself while he was in this form, nor had it been difficult for another Demon to watch and track the movements of Alastor.  After his arrival in Hell, he had faced whom he believed to be the Devil and was nearly killed, left for dead with the life-threatening wound he had been given.  Whether it was through sheer will alone, that he had survived the encounter and recovered on his own he mostly kept to himself.  One thing was certain, his fur may hide it but Alastor held a vicious looking scar along his torso from where he'd been stabbed, although he couldn't remember much from that fight at all.  Only what he'd learn from the rumors of others.  On rare occasion did another try for him, fighting for Power or Territory was something that was expected within Hell and it was one of the reasons why now he was being hunted by a Demon.  This particular Demon was apart of a group that specialized in Hunting others, using special traps and ammo that would poison and paralyze their targets.  The traps were designed to hold and keep a Demon in the form they were in at the time of the capture, this Hunter had tracked the Radio Demon's movements for weeks.  He had been contracted by another who wanted revenge against Alastor, was this foolish?  Yes, it was.

Alastor trotted through the brush when he suddenly felt his back leg had been clamped by a bear trap of sorts, letting out a loud bleating noise he turned to grimace at the damage and when he found he couldn't transform to remove the trap.  He began to panic at what was going on, the Hunter not far took aim with his crossbow and fired once into the Deer's shoulder.  The arrow pierced through Alastor's hide, he bleated again as he turned to glare at the Hunter.  They had strung another arrow and aimed it at his hindquarters, he cried out once more as he growled trying to move but the trap around his leg didn't allow it.  He started feeling funny, not just from pain but from the arrows, maybe poison.

Devil's Secret: An Alastor & Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now