Truth or Dare

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                    ~Events throughout the Next Thirty Years, but not quite yet at the Hotel~

                              Throughout the years, Hell had drastically changed with the times and so did the city as new things were being introduced to the denizens of Hell and as such very many Demons were also entering Hell at a rapid rate.  News of the Royal Family returning to the Palace to continue their rule as the 666 News spread the family ruse throughout Hell, soon everyone would see the new look that the Devil chose as Lucifer Magne had changed his attire to that of a white outfit with a top hat and makeup all over his face as he and his daughter looked somewhat like clowns.  True, most of Hell made fun of them for that but it didn't bother the Devil at least not when he simply killed any who did so and all who spoke ill of his daughter.  All the while after the events of Alastor learning the truth about Lou, the Radio Demon found his life in Hell dreary and uneventful as it was difficult for the other to enjoy himself without having to pretend to what little friends he did have that he wasn't still upset and shaken from learning the truth.  Every so often, glancing at the pocket watch he kept, the scar upon his chest would ache at the mere thought of Lou... Lucifer as the years went by and the Radio Demon thought over everything the two of them had done.  Surely, he knew it was him in his Deer form.  Making that deal so that he couldn't hurt the Devil, and yet protecting him as he did from dying.  Why?  Why did the Devil do all of that?  Surely it wasn't just for the sake of seeing how it was to be as other mortals lived, at least that's what he had once said to him when he asked about why he made a deal to be friends.  Could the Devil really have cared for him, he asked that every time he looked at the pocket watch and seeing their initials.  As he did all those years ago in that forest where he thought he laid dying, Alastor held that watch in his hands folding them together as he bowed his head and thought of Lou, praying in a way as he did for someone to help him, he prayed to see Lou once more but afterward cursed at himself as he tossed the watch on his bed.  How foolish, the Radio Demon praying for another to meet with him, to see him again after all these years.  Foolish, indeed.

                       Alastor arrived the next evening at Mimzy's bar where his friends, Husk and Nifty would be to have a fun time drinking and playing games with one another, it was the only thing that gave him some fun anymore in his life there in Hell as there wasn't much that kept Alastor happy as he arrived to sit at the booth with the three other friends who were drinking.

"Hi, Alastor!  You're just in time, we're playing a game.  Called Truth or Dare!"  Nifty jumped up excited as Husk just grumbled while drinking his beer, Alastor's grin widened as he looked at the others amused.

"Oh? Sounds interesting, is it something the new Demons arriving in Hell have come up with?"  Nifty went about explaining how it works and as such she turned to Husk,

"Husk, truth or dare?"  The winged feline grumbled while scratching his cheek,

"Fucking, fine uh... dare."  Nifty giggled as she pushed a bottle of hot sauce towards him,

"I dare you to snort that hot sauce!"  Husk went wide-eyed,

"No fucking way, I'm not doing that!"  Nifty pouted then went on about how he had to because it was part of the game, Alastor chuckled at the exchange but the Feline did it anyway in the end and regretted it.  As he coughed and huffed and puffed, it took him a bit to regain his composure before looking at Alastor.

"Alright, Radio Demon, your turn.  Truth or Dare?"

"Hmm.  How about, truth?"  They looked at him surprised but before Husk could ask, another voice came from the doorway of the half-empty bar,

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