Annie Oakley

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                       The Radio Demon's eyes shifted to that of radio dials, his grin widened threatening to cover his whole face as the antlers upon his head grew bigger.  His form contorted as his arms and claws grew longer while holding his Microphone, the tip glowed red as laughter playing from it along with Alastor's own laughter.  Summoning the Shadows from all around as minions of dolls and dead deer rose to his command, sending them forward to rip the Huntress and her hound apart.  The Hell Hound was an Alpha and as such, it was able to howl and summon three more of its kind to aid it in battle, the hounds used fire to fight the Shadows back.  Ann Sharpeye knew the Power of the Radio Demon, perhaps she did bite off more than she could chew.  As Alastor aimed his Microphone at the Harpy, he sent a red electric blast towards her.  With her skilled eye, she saw the blast coming for her, with a lift of her wings, she launched herself into the air dodging the blast.  Her wings weren't very big though so flight was nay impossible as she landed a bit away to take aim again.   Firing her gun she sent the zipping bullet throughout the shadows, at this rate she wouldn't be able to get near Alastor without getting damaged herself.

"Damn Beast, hiding behind those disgusting pets of yours! How's about you fight like a man, get out here on your own blasted Radio Head!"  As Lou took the bullet out, he slowly began healing himself ensuring he didn't use too much of his Powers as he saw Alastor's true form.  Truly, a Demon who takes his Power and form very seriously when it comes to looking as monstrous as Alastor did but he knew that was the full extent of the other's form.  Something was holding him back, at least that's what it looked like to the Devil.

                  Alastor was trying not to react when it came to the HellHound summoning more of its kind, this was not the time to lose his composure when it came to dealing with this Huntress.  He tried to ignore his fears that were growing,

"I can say the same to you, Dearie!  Hiding behind those nasty hounds of yours!"  As the beasts would move forward to attack his minions, Alastor tilted his head to one side, the area started filling with Static as the Radio Demon disappeared to reappear behind the Harpy.

"Got you, little birdie!"  Raking his claws down the back of her right shoulder blade, causing her to bleed and cry out as she fell to the ground, breathing heavily she whistled for her Hounds.  Bringing her rifle to block and hold the Radio Demon back as he was on top of her trying to claw at her, but hearing the Hounds turn to howl and bark at him.  He froze, his legs locked up and his face appeared as if he was a Deer caught in headlights, it was at this point where Lou started walking towards them.  The mark upon his hand burned again as the Hounds were nearing the Radio Demon who seemed to be locked in place, Lou cursed as he unfurled his black angel wings.  Taking flight he pulled the Radio Demon from the Huntress and flying across the city in the blink of an eye, he came to land in an alleyway to set Alastor down.  The Radio Demon didn't notice the Wings as Lou looked at the other while asking,

"Alastor, are you alright?"  Alastor had reverted to his normal form while seeming to cling onto Lou as he was set down, wide-eyed and terrified but still smiling.  After a time as if stuck in a memory, Alastor began trembling against the other and feeling this, the notion was strangely odd to the Devil, no one had touched him other than his Wife.  Seeing the look on the Radio Demon's face was what really interested Lucifer.   With one arm still around the other's waist, he used his free hand to grasp the other's chin to move their stunned face to look at his own.   The fear and terror in the other's crimson eyes, the trembling of his body, why it excited Lucifer, but why?   What had frightened Alastor so much that he.... oh. He knew those Hounds were coming for him. Was the Deer afraid of Dogs?

Devil's Secret: An Alastor & Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now