Keeping Secrets

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Keeping a secret as big as being the Devil was hard and doing it for months was even harder, Lou managed to pretend to be a simple Demon born in Hell and keep most of his abilities a secret from the Radio Demon while the two spent time together. Whether it be torturing poor unfortunate souls or joining him while he performed on stage at his friend's club, Lou kept close to the other as he had yet to reveal one last thing about the Deal they had made. Alastor couldn't go farther than five miles from the one who made the Deal as should the Radio Demon decide to run and hide from him, the Marks would burn and the heart of the Demon running would start to hurt and result in the Demon dying and going to limbo. The Devil made sure that didn't happen as he was always within the boundary limit, albeit Alastor had no way of knowing the other was near him but seeing as they didn't have to spend every minute together. Lou just kept it a secret all the same, until one day the Radio Demon would be fed up with one of Lou's moods and attempt to break off from the Broker Demon.

They were enjoying an evening at Mimzy's Bar, a friend of Alastor's from when he was alive as there was speculation to the Radio Demon having killed the woman for finding out of his hobbies. At first, the Demoness was furious with Alastor for killing her but that didn't stop her feelings for him as she was seen flirting and becoming quite clingy to the Radio Demon. Onlookers were curious to see the other being so at home with the Demoness but Lou wasn't entirely happy with the display, over the time they had gotten to know each other it was brought to his attention that Alastor wasn't someone who cared for that sort of thing. He had tried dating while alive but never really found anyone worth his time nor had he ever been with another like that, meaning the Radio Demon was indeed a virgin. This news did catch Lou by surprise but it didn't change his opinion of the other it just made him annoyed when Demons like Mimzy tried to have their way with Alastor. As Alastor finally pried the grabby hands of his friend off him he made his way to Lou's table as he had just finished performing with Mimzy on stage and was now looking forward to spending time with his friend, Lou. Albeit, he didn't really consider many his friends and although they had this Deal between them, Alastor found he really did enjoy Lou's company. The Broker Demon was reserved most of the time but when they got into the excitement of tormenting others, he could see the other's spirit lifted as he found fulfillment in what Alastor also enjoyed doing. He would never admit it but when he performed and seeing Lou out in the crowd watching him, why it gave him the delight to know he enjoyed his singing and dance. Strange though how much he enjoyed the other's company that when Lou got into one of his moods, it was the only time Alastor would get annoyed with the other Demon.

"Having a good time I hope?" Lou sat at the table with an apple martini as he was dressed in a dark purple dress shirt with black slacks to match. His hair had grown somewhat longer and was fanned out around him,

"Oh yes, I'm having a wonderful time. You do seem to be enjoying yourself up there? And that one there, I know you say she's a friend. Yet she definitely wants you, badly."

"Who, Mimzy? I suppose so but its as I told you before, she is just a friend. Why?" The Radio Demon then got a thought, "You aren't jealous of Mimzy are you?" Alastor was known for his teasing in anything he could use against another but perhaps this was going too far considering Lou never stated any feelings towards the other or showed them besides being good friends.

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous? I'm just concerned for you, friend, you're the one who said you didn't care for such things and if she was your friend she'd respect that. Or am I wrong?" Alastor looked at the other surprised, he hadn't meant for this to be a serious thing but he also couldn't help laughing at the notion of the other.

Devil's Secret: An Alastor & Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now