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I stroked the dark shell softly, admiring it's golden undertone. Sephraim sat at the mouth of the cave, her eyes trained on the forest below. With a large flap of her wings, she soared over the edge, sending a large gust of wind back behind her that tousled my hair. I threw another glance at the egg before pushing myself to my feet and tiptoeing to the edge of the cave.

I saw Sephraim's red wings beat lightly as she soared over the treetops. She circled back around before dipping her taloned hands into the trees, pulling up with something in her grasp. As she got closer, I realized it was a stag. She landed beside me, holding up the arm that held the creature. The stag was a light blonde color, it's antlers a brilliant white. It struggled against Sephraim's grip, mewling as it did so. I frowned at the creature, it's eyes swimming with terror as it struggled desperately to get away from the dragon holding it.

Kill it quickly, please, I requested, It's terrified.

Sephraim nodded, putting her body between me and the scene. I heard a loud whine that cut short. She turned, the stag now hung in her claw, blood staining it's beautiful blonde pelt. It's eyes were empty now, though the fear seemed to rest in them.

We must eat, Asha, she said softly, You haven't eaten in at least a day.

I nodded, I know it must be done.

I decided not to say anymore. Instead I walked back to where the egg rested in its golden nest. I laid beside it, lightly letting my fingers draw circles around the surface.

After a while, the scent of roasting meat filled my nose. My mouth watered on instinct, the smoky scent shooting directly to my empty stomach. I sat up, watching as Sephraim flipped the hunk of meat over on the burning rocks. It sizzled and snapped, turning a golden brown color as it grilled.

See, Sephraim said with a chuckle, you're more hungry than you know.

I'm not complaining anymore, trust me. I answered, chewing on my bottom lip.

Sephraim pulled a piece of the meat off with her talon, presenting it to me. I practically ran forward, pulling the chunk of meat from her. I sank my teeth into it, moaning at the taste.

I ate quickly, Sephraim handing me a new piece as I finished my last one. She took bites herself, but mostly kept feeding me.

I stopped once I felt as though I wasn't going to pass out from fatigue any more. You need to eat too, I told her, using my wrist to wipe my mouth.

I'll get more, she reassured me, Right now, you need this more than I do.

I ate three more tears of meat before feeling completely satisfied. Sephraim smiled down at me, You don't look as pale.

I took a deep breath, nodding, I don't feel as weak.

I sat on the stone floor in front of the hearth, my knees pulled up to my chest and my chin rested on top of them. The flames danced around, battling each other over the burning stones.

Sephraim, I asked, What would happen if I refused the bond?

She looked over at me from the spot she laid, arms folded in front of her. Do you not wish to be a Rider?

No, I do, I told her quickly, But I didn't really get a say. I guess what I'm asking is what if I had no desire to stay? What if I wished to go home?

She sighed, turning her gaze back to the fire, I suppose I'd have to let you go. After all your happiness affects me.

Would it hurt you? To be away from me?

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