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How did you do that? I asked Sephraim when we returned to our cave, Put yourself through me?

She let her tongue pass over her egg's black shell, Our minds are linked. All I had to do was project my mind through yours, to the point that it surfaced in you.

My eyes blazed, like yours. I could feel it.

She nodded, giving the egg another lick, We can be powerful together, as Flight and Rider.

I think that woman, the seamstress, might have suspected something, I told Sephraim, sitting on the gold piles surrounding her and the egg. She looked as though she knew what was going on.

Sephraim shook her head, I wouldn't think so. Most humans believe the dragons to be extinct, that's why there aren't any riders anymore.

I furrowed my eyebrows, my mind on the seamstress.

It's time, Sephraim said suddenly. Her eyes were trained on her egg as she picked it up with her teeth, gently setting it in the cold hearth.

Time for it to hatch? I asked, jumping up from my spot excitedly. She nodded.

I grinned as her belly filled with fire, the glow traveling up her throat and exploding outward into the hearth. The flames engulfed the egg, it's black and gold shell glowing in them. I leaned forward, peering through Sephraim's fire to see the object begin to stir, the shell cracking under the heat.

She pulled her head back, the fire dying out in her mouth. We watched the egg jostle around in the lit hearth, it's scaled surface cracking more and more. A chunk flew away from the shell, something black stirring inside. The rest of the shell began to fall away in pieces until a small black dragon stood in the hearth.

It's eyes gleamed in a melted gold like it's mother's. It's horns and color differed them—Sephraim's were straight and smooth, while the hatchling's twisted up, but never curved.

It stretched its black wings out for the first time, letting out a little roar as it did so. Sephraim leaned down, poking her nose into the hearth and drawing her baby out.

It's a boy, She told me, pride filling her voice.

I smiled at the little creature, no bigger than a dog, as I kneeled down with my have extended. It stepped forward, sniffing my palm before rushing toward me, nuzzling roughly into my hip. I fell over at the contact, giggling as it licked me.

"Well, you're not so terrifying, are you?" I told him, scratching under his chin.

He will be, Sephraim said seriously. You two are already bonded to an extent. He has my blood, which is what you are bonded to, but we should bond the two of you together before he's grown too much. With true blood.

What do you mean? Will he try to harm me if we're not? I looked at the hatchling. He didn't seem vicious toward me in the slightest. How could that change suddenly?

It's different with males, they tend to be more aggressive. Better to be safe, we'll bond you soon enough. She explained.

Well, what he called then? I changed the subject, dusting off my tattered dress as I stood.

Sephraim grinned, Darius. After a brave and honorable warrior I once knew.

I shrugged, nodding at the title. I like it.

And so he was Darius. And the world would get bigger than I thought imaginable with him by my side.


I peered over my shoulder, the wind blowing my hair into my eyes. Through it, I could see little Darius flying behind his mother and I. He angled his wings down and disappeared below us. I looked down, my eyes searching for him, yet couldn't find any trace. Suddenly, he was soaring right above us, golden eyes shining happily.

He's a quiet flier, I pointed out, I wouldn't even know he was there.

Sephraim's eyes caught her child, who flew down beside her head. She chuckled, He'll cause trouble, that's for sure.

We flew around for awhile, getting Darius acquainted with the sky. He was a naturally strong flier, and Sephraim told me he would make for an excellent Flight one day.

Sephraim? I asked softly when we returned home. She watched Darius with a smile as he practically swam in the gold shrines. Why do you keep talking about me bonding with Darius and him being a Flight so adamantly?

Her smile faded gently, her eyes falling on me. Truth is, child. I'm centuries old. Darius is my sixth hatching, and you my third Rider. I'm approaching the end of my rope.

I looked at her, appalled. What? But dragons are supposed to be ancient! You're not even really supposed to age past adolescence.

She chuckled, And how do you know that?

I paused, biting the inside of my cheek. I read about it.

Well, I have lived for thousands of years. I haven't really aged, either. She seemed too unbothered.

Sephraim, I'm not supposed to outlive you. That's not how this was supposed to work. I pleaded, but I didn't really know what for.

You have Darius now, and I'm not dying tomorrow. She laughed, It'll be at least a few decades before that happens. By then, you'll ride him more than you'll ride me.

My eyes wandered to baby Darius, who frolicked happily in the treasure piles. Maybe we'd be a better match, in the end. Maybe Sephraim chose me to stay not just because of herself, but for her child. I knew how much she valued the Flight bond, chances are she wanted that for her hatchling.

I had a hard time falling asleep that night. Darius curled up against me, creating a warmth over my body and the usually cold coins around it. Yet even in this comfort, my mind reeled. Sephraim wouldn't be around forever, as I previously thought. And now I had Darius, who's future was just as unpredictable as mine had just become.


Short chapter. But after the last one, I thought a short one was in order. Any predictions/theories so far?

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