the First

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As the sun rose over Dragonstone, its rays shone over Daenerys flying atop Drogon with Rhaegal and Viserion behind them. Today is the day. She looked down to the tiny dots that comprised her fleet, they were preparing to sail. She urged Drogon downwards to the grounds of Dragonstone, she needed to get ready. When they reached the grounds, she dismounted off the saddle of her scaled son. Speaking in Valyrian as she petted each of her children, giving them words of encouragement and Valyrian hymns to calm them down. In the periphery, she saw Maester Marwyn and Gendry Waters with his Smith Master Tobho Mott. She took a step back and watched as they put the armor on her children, covering their sides and bodies. The finest Qohorik smiths labored days and nights in Meereen for her children. She watched as the armour had red and black highlights, accomplished by the Smith Master. The armour would be light but provide ample protection for her children. She smiled at their antics of mild resistant to wearing the armour.

She walked back in to her chambers, greeted by Missandei who was in her own armor with a short sword and daggers on her belt. Before they left Meereen, following the few weeks she re-established order in Meereen, Yunkai and Astapor, she and Missandei had taken up training with Daario Naharis. The former mercenary captain now Queen's First Sword trained the two in the art of eastern warfare. Speed was key especially with their feminine figure and they were trained enough in using short swords and daggers. I will not risk Missandei and I being novices in war. Missandei specialized in Braavosi water dance, courtesy of the Braavosi mercenary swordsmen in service. Missandei helped Daenerys into her armour. Valyrian steel armour from chest plate, arm guards, grieves, leg guess covering the finest chain mail produced. Her hair braided tightly so it wouldn't obstruct her vision as she put on her dragon helm-crown. It had always felt odd wearing armour compared to dresses she normally wore. In war, I must be Visenya as much I am Rhaenys in peace. Missandei passed to her Dark Sister, the ancestral Targaryen sword found in Dragonstone.

After that they made their way to the courtyard, she addressed her key commanders. "Remember, no killing civilians. Once I have clear the walls and gates, that's the signal to strike. Should the city surrender, take the prisoners and keep discipline in the ranks. Am I to be understood?" A chorus of ayes were heard as a response. "Good," she unsheathed Dark Sister and raised it upwards, "to war and victory!". Her children gave their own war cry to the amazement of the island. The song of dragons. She walked to Drogon and mounted him, taking off into the skies with Rhaegal and Viserion in the rear.

Fire and Blood.

She would head first to Cracklaw Point, giving time for the land and sea forces to make final preparations. Time has come to test the loyalty of the Cracklaw Lords.


It was an ordinary day for much of the Ironborn under Euron's service. They had been locked in Blackwater Bay by the Targaryen fleet. Not much occurred despite the blockade, until the daily usual was rattled by a ominous roar. Many ironborn dropped what they were doing and looked upwards, covering their eyes to see clearer what in the hells was that. At first, there was nothing but from nothing three dark spots appeared, getting bigger and bigger before a wave of fire consumed them.


Daenerys felt alive, here she was atop Drogon, repeating what Aegon, Rhaenys and Visenya did three centuries before. Ship after ship burnt before her children's fiery wrath. As they ascended for a final descend, she spotted the largest ship. Euron's ship. Feeling a surge of anger as memories of Rhaegal's death flooded her, Drogon felt his mother's anguish and did what he excelled at. He attacked. Drogon descended like a fast arrow backed by divine wind before rising upwards with his wingspan opened shadowing the frozen Euron Greyjoy in place. Daenerys, able to make eye contact with the pirate king gave a feral grin.

"Dracarys," and a wave of fire black, red and orange a demonic mix of three colors yet so ethereal came forth to burn the ship the Crow's Eyes was on. Minutes went by as the ship became nothing but a smoldered ruinous husk or burnt charred wood. As she spotted Euron who had jumped off deck in time, Drogon swooped down and caught Euron in his talons vice tight grip. One man for the eternal loyalty of House Greyjoy, the life of my child, my vassals and so many innocents. With the Iron Fleet ruined, Asha Greyjoy would have her work cut out for her as the combined Targaryen-Greyjoy-Tyrell-Martell fleet began the cleanup operations in the bay.

Her eyes went to King's Landing, to the city we go my sons. As the dragons rose, Drogon's grip on the pirate in his talon did not waver. Let him know the fury of my son. With her children rising into the skies again, she gave the Valyrian command and they strike downwards. Like lightning bolts their descent and accompanying fiery breath gave the needed shock and awe her foes needed. The walls of King's Landing were bathed in dragonfire. Whatever defenses they had built were cinder ash and soon the major Gates were set ablaze.

As she descended into the main military camp, Drogon threw his captor to the ground. "Unsullied, chain him and guard him with your life. If he annoys you, cut out his tongue. If he attempts escape once, cut off his leg. Twice, the other leg. Anymore, cut off one finger for any attempt after two." The captains nodded and she resumed flight atop Drogon. Capturing one of the many towers as a vantage point with Rhaegal and Viserion burning more the Red Keep walls.

She had brought Daario Naharis to Westeros for a reason. Varys, still loyal, provided her information for the inner paths leading to the Red Keep. The main signal for the fall of the Red Keep would be the Targaryen sigil flown down from the highest tower of the Keep. Her eyes, caught sight of the blurry but well established black and red colour of the flag. It is done, the war is won. She urged Drogon towards the Red Keep.

On ground, Grey Worm successfully led the combined armies attack. Street to street fighting became common but many surrendered. A close look told the former slave that these soldiers were either green farm boys levied or unwilling soldiers knowing they fight for a lost cause. Free they are yet chained they be. They were his Queen's enemies but he would show them mercy. As he led the Unsullied to the Red Keep, already did the Dothraki women and silent sisters his Queen employed began protecting and providing help to the citizens. "I might not have their love, but I must care for them," her words rung in his ears. Explosion sounded in the distance as green fire exploded near Flea Bottom but it's fire was small. The Queen must know of this.

As they marched through the ruined gates of the Red Keep, Daario Naharis and his Second Sons greeted him. His Queen already in the throne room.

Daenerys had flown with Drogon who burnt the side of the Throne Room, big enough for him to make entry. There she burnt the monster she knew Cersei employed and whatever remained of the the usurper's pathetic Queensguard. The Kingslayer was unconscious after Drogon hit him with his tail, Cersei Lannister cowered near her brother-lover's body.

"Good, fear me as the smallfolk feared you once. Fear me as Princess Elia did when your father sent the Mountain and his men to kill her son and daughter. Fear me." Daenerys turned and climbed the steps of the mammoth throne of swords her ancestors forged.

She took hold of its handle and lowered herself until she was fully backed by the hard metal of the throne. She had leaned back further than what most rulers would, further than Rhaenyra ever did.

It would be this position that her men would find her in as they entered the damaged throne room.

Sat atop the throne Aegon forged with the thousand swords of his fallen foes in the fires of Balerion the Black Dread. A behemoth to all that stood before it, without silk or cushion for comfort for as Aegon said, "No king must sit in comfort." They would find their chosen Queen sat as if she was destined from birth.

Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of Her Name.

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