Ice and Fire

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Today is the day Jon Snow will arrive in King's Landing. In a previous life she was slightly intrigued at the prospect of meeting a foreign monarch but now, after all that has passed, she wants it over and done with. She knows what this man thinks of her, like every enemy of hers, he sees her as entitled and a foreign conqueror that knows little of Westeros. Clearly, Jon Snow knows nothing.

As the court was cleared with the exception of her Council and Unsullied guards. She patiently waits whilst seated upon the throne while Aegon speaks with Missandei about Essos. She smiles at that, Aegon has been refreshing in her life. He reminds her of Viserys, well before her brother became a man bitter and entitled. Always talking to her about possible city improvements, they were not wed yet but she hears the whispers. He is the Alysanne to her Jaehaerys, the Good King. At least his kindness can be more of a balm to my dark heart.

The doors open to the northern embassy, Jon Snow and Davos Seaworth. As the doors close, Missandei recites her titles.

"You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, Rhoynar and First Men. Queen of Meereen, of Yunkai and of Astapor. Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Sovereign of the Seven Kingdoms, Mother of Dragons and Breaker of Chains." With every title she senses the discomfort rolling off the northern group in waves, she tilts her head in confusion at their silence.

Davos looks to Jon, and turns to her opening his mouth to say his titles but Daenerys raises her hand to cut him off. "Do not fret Lord Davos, I know who your monarch is." Her violet eyes turned to Jon Snow, his posture rigid from her scanning look. "Jon Snow or Stark, King in the North." She states.

"So," she gestures for wine to be brought for the guests, "to what am I owed this meeting for?" She gives a feral smirk, "I am absolutely sure that you are not here to bend the knee." Jon tries to speak, but Daenerys beats him to it.

"There is threat," Her hands on the armrests of the throne now folded upon her crossed legs, "graver than all of the petty wars these kingdoms have seen. I take it you are here to speak of the descending wave of winter upon us all?"

"How?" Jon asks after quite silence, Daenerys smiles, "Daenys the Dreamer dreamed that a great cataclysm would befall Valyria and bring its glory to the bottom of the seas, her father Aenar Targaryen brought all he had and his family to Dragonstone and twelve years after, the Doom fell upon Valyria with a vengeance and thus Valyria becomes Old Valyria." She let the weight of that short story fall quietly upon her guests.

"A dragon has dreams, I know of the threat up North and I have made plans to deal with it." She shares a look with Olenna.

Jon and Davos share a look, "Will you help us?" Olenna looks sharply at Jon, "since you are not here to kneel then you are on your own. We have no intention to conquer you lot yet thus as far as the Queen is concern, the North shall defend itself."

Jon fumes, and begins his long speech about why all the petty disputes of the lords are but the game of children. His speech grates on her nerves, how dare he speak of such when his northern lords behave more like children than most would.

She stands from the throne, his speech stopped and her council looking to her. She slowly descends upon the throne as Drogon lands in the background head slowly peering into the throne room. "Lord Snow," she says. Her steps are quiet but echo in the throne room.

"Are you not here in my city, requesting for my help of my armies and my dragons to fight a threat to your kingdom?" He does not respond, realizing his mistake.

She walks and when they are on the same level, she walks to his side, looking ahead rather than turning to him at all. "Until the threat to the north is dealt with, I shall declare a ceasefire between our two realms for us both to deal with this threat." She can see he is shaking, and she smiles for that. "Do not fret my lord, I am Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, you shall get the help you need for a price, but that is a discussion for another time." She walks off to leave the throne room and her council follow suit.

For Jon, he is glad of the help but he cannot stop the searing pain in his chest. As if the words of this Queen he has just met hurt him like a lover to another.

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