Queen's Justice

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"Woe to the conquered.."

The sun shined its light on a new day for the smallfolk and highborn of King's Landing. Today would be the day that history call The Great Trial while those who awaited with glee the fall of House Lannister would rename it as The Cull of Lannister. The roar of dragons were something everyone has to get used to, the three children of the Queen had taken residence in the abandoned Dragonpit, making it their shared lair. Constantly guarded by Unsullied and fenced from the city folk.

Daenerys would head the Trial proceedings. She don the armor she wore during the conquest but switched to Maekar's Crown as the realm was still in a state of war.

^Maekar's Crown

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^Maekar's Crown

She would also receive the delegation headed by Daven Lannister, chief commander of the Lannister forces and de facto ruler of the West. The Lannister siblings would be tried together in public while Varys would be executed in private. Suitable for the Master of Whisperers to die quietly she guessed.

She entered the throne room to the cheers of Your Grace and bows of lords and ladies but she kept the impassive face. Sitting as judges with her were Prince Doran Martell, Willas Tyrell,  Selwyn Tarth and Yara Greyjoy. As she took her seat in the centre, the herald announced the attendance of the prisoners on trial. First brought in was Cersei Lannister, deposed usurper. She stood tall and upright despite the state of her attire but displayed her regal attitude. Next came Jaime Lannister. Former Kingsguard to four kings, killer of one and commander of the Lannister armies during the conquest. Last walked in the Imp, Tyrion Lannister. Former Acting Hand of the King to Joffrey Waters, traitor to family and Queen.

It was a sight for Daenerys, the golden lion children of Tywin Lannister. Shamed and humiliated before the nobility and smallfolk of the realm. She had them transferred to the ruins of the Sept of Baelor and then walked to the Red Keep for today's trial. The lowborn deserve to know who was responsible for their sufferings.

Daenerys took her stand, "Today We  prepare to hear the testimony of the prisoners brought before us to answer for the alleged crimes brought against them by our loyal subjects. We are joined in preparation to hear and oversee evidence and statements by Our Paramount nobility to aid Us in delivering justice for Our subjects." She sat back again and gestures to the new Grand Maester Marwyn with his aides to begin the trial. The new Master of Laws, Randyll Tarly began the calling of witnesses to give their statements and submit evidence for the Maesters.

To be fully honest, Daenerys had already decided on the judgement of the trial. She only set this theatrics to give the image of a law abiding Queen respecting the need for justice to be done and seen. She had long discussed with her fellow peer Judges and Grand Maester on the judgement. Olenna Tyrell approved of her plan, the Tyrell Matriarch was slowly becoming of a mother figure for the young Queen. Perhaps the old woman saw a little of her lost granddaughter in the young Queen, still Daenerys appreciated the counsel she provided. By the time half the day had passed, Missandei signaled her that the Lannister delegation had arrived. Daenerys gladly took the opportunity to hold the trial in recess, giving time for everyone to take rest.

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