The Loyal

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The death of Daenerys Targaryen came as a shock to the Kingdoms. Curses befell those who killed the Queen. King's Landing, the cherry capital that hailed their Queen, erupted into a flaming pot of near rebellion. It took the presence of Unsullied to calm the populace. Aegon, now Regent, as per his beloved wife's will summoned the Royal Army to the capital. He knew there was tension in Court. Many awaited the funeral of Daenerys. Her body was cared for, by Red Priests and Silent Sisters. Their faith aside with the ironed cooperation between High Priestess Kinvara and the High Septon. The former looked at him with a cool gaze, unnerving him, as if tearing his mind to pieces to read him like an open book. The body of his beloved was said to still emanate warmth despite being a day after her death and blood loss.

He had Daeron and Daenys on guard, keeping an image there was assassins in court. Missandei watched him with suspicion as well but her focus was mainly on the children. He knows his grip is unsteady as it is, but the Lords will bow. He has the dragons, the armies and the heirs. He is King, in all but name. He maintains the Small Council, keeping the imagery of continuity. He receives wishes of sympathies from the nobility. The Stark lord, Daenerys' nephew looked forlorn. Daenerys' body was laid in state. Her skin glowed eerily, dressed in the blacks and reds of House Targaryen.

The rites for Targaryens would be that their the dead be burnt in a great pyre. When her body was laid upon the pyre, many mourned. He had Rhaegal by his side, Drogon and Cannibal were elsewhere. They flew off after that night and their combined roar shook the foundations of the castle. Missandei held Daeron and Daenys' hands, the twins sobbing. Aegon felt a pain in his chest, knowing that his children will grow into adulthood motherless. Not too mention by his hands. As he was to signal Rhaegal to set the pyre aflame. A familiar roar descended upon the open courtyard of the Keep. Drogon.

The eldest of Daenerys' dragons, save for Cannibal, had grown large and darker. His flames were hot enough to melt steel for forging. Black and red he was. The epitome of House Targaryen. He descended and shook the ground as he landed. Courtiers screamed in panic. He approached the dragon, attempting to send it off, but as Drogon turned to him he felt his heart stop. The black-red eyes of the black behemoth judged him clearly. I know. Aegon stopped in his tracks. Rhaegal did not move to stop his elder brother, knowing well enough who was the strongest.

Drogon gently took hold of Daenerys' body within his talons and took off into the East. Everyone looked to Aegon. Kinvara smirked. She knew too, he had to dispose of her. What can a priestess do to him?


Missandei wept quietly when in her chambers. The Queen, Daenerys or Dany for short. First her liberator and then her friend. Her chosen Queen. Missandei would go to the ends of the world for Daenerys Targaryen. Grey Worm, stood watch looking out over the Bay. Even in his steadfast posture, she saw the tear falling from his eyes. Today's events showed her the truth. Aegon, that snake, who married her Queen. To whom her friend gave love, shared bed and crown with, killed her. How she knew not, but she had the gut feeling of it. The official story was that Aegon and Daenerys went with escorts, when they heard a commotion they rushed in that direction. Daenerys was protected in a room, the place of the killing.

Gripping her dress, she dried her tears. Her friend might be dead, but her children live. Daeron and Daenys are the rightful rulers of Westeros. Not the snake that sits upon her Queen's throne. She stood from her seat. Grey Worm turned to her. "We have much work to do. For the Queen." Then came a knock on her door. They both paused, and she made her way to open the door. Grey Worm stopped her and unsheathes a dagger, he pulled her behind him. He opens the door and sees the twins, running into the room and tugging at their legs. Their violet eyes and mop of Valyrian curls looking to them.

"The regent aspires for Kingship, his own flesh and blood will be his greatest foe." Their attention turned to the newcomer, Kinvara. In her red robes, with the glistening ruby choker in place, her waltzed into the room and locked the door behind them.

"I take it you suspect him as well?" Spoke Grey Worm. The Red Priestess did not smile nor smirk, but a solemn face she wore. "The Lord of Light despises those who betray his chosen champion of life and light. The Black dragon named Drogon flies East. I see him in my fires and he will soon make nest in the ruins of the Lands of the Long Summer." She waves her hand over the nearest pyre in the room and brings forth the shape of a dragon.

"Missandei of Naath and Torgo Nudho," both rose to their attention while the twins were paying attention to the dragon-shaped fire.

"We must bring our little King and Queen to safety. My followers have made contact with the Essosi Quarter. They will shelter us as we make for the harbor to Dragonstone." Kinvara laid out the plan. Grey Worm added, "the Unsullied are with you." He saluted. "Will the Royal Navy join us?" Missandei asked. It was imperative that they secure Lord Velaryon who commanded the Royal Navy. Kinvara nodded. "He despises Aegon. Tolerating him, for sake of our Queen. He has brought his ships to the capital to intimidate Aegon. He will side with us."

Silence reigned. They knew what to do, but also of the consequences. "If we do this," Missandei paused, "it will be civil war. We will be accused of kidnapping the heirs for our greed. Aegon will rally the lords and besiege us in Dragonstone." Kinvara looked to the twins. She knelt to their levels. "Your Majesties," she opened her hands for them to hold. "would you honour us and call forth your brother?"

"But Drogon is gone," Missandei interjected. Kinvara shook her head. "There is another, and the twins know." The said twins looked to each other and closed their eyes. Minutes passed and nothing came. As they opened their eyes and Missandei was about to call it off, the most monstrous sound came forth. Cannibal. The other dragon, the fourth dragon. The greatest of the four. From their chambers, she could hear the panic of soldiers and other occupants. The loud beating of his thick leather-like wings and shadow engulfed the Red Keep in darkness.

We are safe. The three plotters looked to one another and nodded. For Queen Daenerys.

Holding the children's hands. They maneuvered the Red Keep's secret tunnels. Kinvara dispatched her followers to send missives to the encamped Unsullied. Grey Worm instructed them to move to the port in the Essosi Quarter. Meanwhile, a mob blocked the main entrance of the Red Keep. Focusing attention of its defenders there. Many gaps were exploited allowing for the children and them to move quickly. As they passed under the tunnels of royal chambers, they made a quick raid and took Blackfyre and Dark Sister with them.

She sent word to her network of little birds. Disperse but always keep out an ear for new singings. Information will be precious now.

By the time they escaped from the Keep into a secret passageway outside, Unsullied arrived to escort them. Reaching the port was quick, Lord Velaryon stood with the Baratheon brothers and Arianne Martell. They bowed. Without further words they boarded the royal flagship. Missandei allowed herself to smile. They were exhausted, as they were to descend into the cabins. The sight of green Rhaegal with his rider astride halted her. But we Rhaegal descended to the ships, Cannibal appeared from the darkened skies and blocked the agile dragon from further advance.

In her heart, she knew that it was too late for them now. The realm will be thrown into civil war. A second Dance of Dragons.

She prayed that Grey Worm, Kinvara and herself had made the right choice.

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