Now We Fight

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The snowstorms have not lessened. The nights last longer, the cold gets stronger and dread conquers the defenders of Winterfell. The dragons, creatures born of magic and fire make their defiance and uneasiness known. Their Mother worries, cooing to them and speaking in the ancient tongue of Valyria to soothe their worries. Deep in her heart, fear takes root too. She is ready to die, but she is not ready to see those closest to her taken away. Soon, a raven arrives from Last Hearth, written by the Maester and garrison that volunteered to be lookouts. Despite knowing that they would all die, brave men.

"The Dead have breached the Wall, South they march."

That is all it takes for the fear of death to seep away, soon the forges ring aloud the sounds of hammer hitting anvil. The chants of soldiers training, strategies debated and improved. The roar of dragons soaring the skies above keeping the remains of bravery in their hearts. Prayers are heard. Prayers in the Godswood led by Jon Snow. To the magic of the earth they pray and seek guidance with protection from the manifestation of death. Prayers to the flame led by Melisandre and Kinvara, chanting in their eastern language seeking protection and warmth against the oncoming onslaught of cold and death. Prayers, chants and whispers of faith.

Daenerys never kept to Gods in her life, but she knows in her bones that there is a purpose to her life. Her uneasiness is sensed by her children whose roars in the cold night skies are loud and ferocious. "Uneasy you are Daenerys Stormborn," says the smooth voice, she turns to see the masked figure of Quaithe making her presence known. "Hello to you too Quaithe." The masked figure comes to stand beside the Queen, looking out from the window of her rooms. "You will survive. That is the will the Gods set for you. However the greatest challenges lie ahead this Great War. Remember the three treasons of the Undying, never forget." Her eyes widened, looking to the shadowbinder. "Once for blood, once for gold and once for love."


Her thoughts were cut off by a horn. Once, for the Night's Watch. A second followed, for the wildlings. A third followed, for the White Walkers. Jorah barged into her room, "Khaleesi, the enemy have arrived." She nodded, "assemble the army."

In the previous battle of Winterfell, it was a mistake to place Brandon Stark in the rear. Now, he was placed on the battlements. His eyes staring into the oncoming darkness that got closer and closer. The Army of the Dead had arrived. "You have changed many things Daenerys Targaryen." He addressed her, she had not spoken to him in the first life and this was the first. "Bloodraven," She addressed back, seeing his eyes expand by a fraction brought a glee to her. "I know who you are, and we have much to talk of once this battle is won." He looked to her with a questioning gaze, "How do you know if we are to live?" She smirked, "for the Dawn shall return." She knew he was not satisfied by the answer but he kept quiet.

She turned back to the army deployed, no longer would they be blocked in retreat by the inner trenches as in the previous battle. They have room to maneuver and change formations. Their long pikes were seen which she had commissioned in Essos and have been drilling them with ever since. The Golden Company was also present, armed with dragonglass axes, swords and maces. Archers and crossbows in the rear armed with obsidian arrowheads and bolts. The Dothraki were dispersed earlier, she had to. She didn't want to risk them being immobile in the cramp battle center. Far in the back were the pyromancers. She had assigned them wildfire trebuchets, mangonels, ballistas and catapults.

"Your Grace," Missandei called. "It's time to get you in armor." within her chambers, she stood as maidens placed her armour in place. They had found this piece in Dragonstone, inscribed as the armor worn by Visenya Targaryen herself. It was wholly plated allowing fluid movement especially for a feminine build. When they were done, she looked herself in the mirror. Black armor, black as night with ripples and runes marked in High Valyrian adorning it. Blood and Fire, warriors of old, children of the flame and blood of dragons. She understood some of it, but most were written in an older script.

She made her way to the Godswood, where the dragons were circling. Most of the battle commanders were there along with the Starks except Bran. Rhaegal and Drogon descended allowing for her and Aegon to mount the dragons. Viserion still had no rider, a dragon without a rider is too vulnerable. She turned to Jon, "Mount Viserion, you are his designated rider for this war." She saw the hesitance written on his face, she snapped. "I don't care, for once do something without an inch of self doubt. As your Queen, I command it." She turned to Aegon, "if we survive this war, we have much to discuss." He nonchalantly shrugged. Jon hesitantly mounted Viserion and strapped the saddle belts. "Be calm Jon Snow, let your mind and Viserion merge as one." With that Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion took off. Cannibal, still circling the skies followed behind sticking close to Drogon and Daenerys.

From the skies, they saw the charge of the undead. They passed the first marker, trebuchets opened fire with their wildfire projectiles. The explosion was akin to a wall of fire as the undead vanguard perished in the green fire. The explosion illuminated the darken skies and she saw the endless wave coming forward. She signaled to both Aegon and Jon, "we strike." The four dragons swooped downwards at great speed with the momentum backing them unleashing torrents of flame on the undead horde. Lines of fire were edged into the white snow grounds as the undead burnt to crisps. In the past battle, she regretted not deploying these tactics earlier on. By blunting the numbers of the frontal charge, she could save the frontline soldiers from pressure of numbers driven assault.

Then came a great blizzard which threw the dragons off course forcing them to surge to the skies seeking protection. She did her best, she can only hope it would be enough help for the ground battle.


Grey Worm, Jorah and Daario led the ground troops, mainly the Unsullied Pike center. The Golden Company and the Dornish held the left wing. The Tyrells and Lannisters held the right with the Arryn and Tullys holding the center as reserve to the Unsullied.

Though the frontal charge of the undead had been blunted, they came in like a tidal wave. Every marker they passed, more and more projectiles were hurled and looked at the horde. The wildfire was considerable in thinning out their momentum. As they neared, Grey Worm strapped on his helmet, "Unsullied brace!" He commanded and the pikes shaped like dagger-axes lowered providing a frontal cushion of pikes against the charge.

The left and right wings formed shield-walls without the pikes of the Unsullied. When the charge made its impact, it felt like a human body was thrown at him a dozen times. Taking a clearer look of the lines, the pike wall held with the undead being pinned cushioned by the dagger-axes. Hold, the charge was building momentum as the undead merely threw themselves into the static defenders. Jorah and Daario were cutting down any strays that passed the pike wall backed by the swordsmen. Grey Worm then nudged his fellow Unsullied to the rear, who signaled the horn blower. A deafening sound cut through the battlefield, "Pikes, forward!" The whole formation grunted and with their pike wall still lowered they marched in tandem. Spearing any that stood in their advance.

The wings of the defenders held firm and began pushing back. The return of the dragons and their flaming torrents cut through the undead horde easing the advance of the defenders. Overhead the whistling of arrows and bolt were a constant to the music of death being played. The darkness of the battlefield was brightened as more wildfire projectiles exploded charring the undead creating a never ending source of light. The Red Priests were too in the fight. In the rear, those who couldn't fight prayed and chanted to strengthen the fires of their weapons. While the militant ones charged into the thick of the fighting with their flaming swords, axes and obsidian maces.

It was bloodied mess, ice spiders were in the fray, but like any cavalry fell easily before pikes. The combined arms strategy worked well as their momentum rose in every inch they marched forward.


From the skies atop dragonback, Daenerys saw the advance of her army pushing back the never ending charge. The next wave were demonic giant ice spiders ridden by the White Walkers themselves, dragonfire melted much of them away but they charged into the defensive line. Breaking their momentum against a wall of pikes and advancing shield-walls.

Her focus on the battlefield was cut short by a deafening roar, one not from her children at all.

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