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Astrid woke with a start. She was used to this, because of nightmares, but she wasn't in her room, she didn't have Arnold to snuggle up to. She was bound, and gagged in what she assumed was a trunk. Her nightmare had been several big burley men with dark menacing eyes, they raked over her body indecently, had come into her home and kidnapped her. She realized it wasn't a nightmare, but really happened. She looked for the taillight, and began trying to kick it free. She needed to see what she was and alert someone to help her. The tailight gave way, and she shifted her body so she could see out of it. Her heart sank when she saw no one behind her, and in the woods, on a dirt road. She began trying to get herself untied, pulling on the ropes. They burned and cut into her flesh. The guys had been idiots however, and didn't tie her hands and feet together. She reached behind her head and painfully untied the gag. Once her mouth was free, she used  her teeth to untie the knots that bound her hands. The knots gave way, and her hands sprang free. She quickly untied her feet, and looked for a weapon. She would have one chance to surprise the men when they opened the trunk. The taillight was dangling by wires. She pulled the taillight back up, and held it in place. She found a tire iron, and gripped it. These men were imbeciles to leave her with a weapon, or they severely underestimated her.

The trunk popped open, and Astrid swung at the first man, she hit him in the head. The second she struck his ribs. She bolted, and ran in the opposite direction of the road, and house. She had no idea where she was going, but anywhere was better than there. She heard howling behind her, now she had wolves chasing her! The barks and yips were getting closer, she couldn't out run wolves, they chased by smell. She could climb a tree, but she would have to take time to spot one she could. She decided to run zig zag. The barks and yips were surrounding her. Her feet screamed for her to stop. She was barefoot, in tank and underwear, running through the forest. Suddenly she felt excruciating pain in her right arm, and she was tugged to a stop. It was a giant dark brown wolf. He released her arm, and stood up further. He was at least the size of a pony! Other wolves, slightly smaller circled around, snarling and snapping their jaws. She knew this was as far as she went, but at least she would feed wolves instead of those men having their way. The dark brown wolf started shaking, it sounded like bones were breaking, and his fur started getting shorter. His body shrank in size, and suddenly a man was standing in front of her. She would of considered him handsome, if it wasn't for his cold black eyes.

Pain shot all over her body, she had never broken a bone, but she could feel them breaking and reforming. "Please, don't fight it. Give into to it." She heard a feminine voice beg. It reassures her, and she gave in. The pain still apparent, but not as bad. The pain suddenly stopped. "Open your eyes." She heard the same voice say. She didn't realize she closed them. The men looked shocked and scared of her. She looked down at her feet and saw pitch black paws, and they were huge. She realized she had a snout, and a tail. She was standing on four legs! "His bite turned you into werewolf. I'm your wolf, Lucy." She growled the last part, it sounded menacing, and slightly scared me. The cold eyed man in front of me opened his mouth to speak.

"Ho-how is this possible? You can't be this!" He stuttered as he stared at her freshly turned wolf. She growled in response. "Doesn't matter, I'll break both of you." He smirked. "I'll break him before he touches either of us! I'm an Alpha wolf!" Lucy growled in Astrid's mind. Astrid didn't know what to do. She was one four legs, surrounded by a bunch of men, werewolves, they knew this. She didn't. The man before her shifted, and launched himself at her. His jaws closing around her neck pinning her down. She whimpered in pain. He let go, and she stayed down. "Shift back!" He boomed at her. Something made her want to do it, but like it was out of her control, and she did not like that! She controlled her body, not some man! She growled this time. She got up, and clumsily took a step forward. Having trouble on four legs. She want to knock him out, and run. "If you knock him out, the other will attack you, and hold you down." Lucy softly explained. Then what could she do?! "Kill him." Astrid gasped at this idea! Killing someone, although she may joke about it, she would never do it! "We have to, to escape." She felt a sting on her butt, she growled, and looked back. Their was a dart in her. She yanked it out with her teeth, and growled at the man again, taking another step. His eyes went wide, and his mouth agape. She felt another sting. She left this one. She was angry at home for trying to knock her out. "That is wolfsbane! It will knock me out, and you won't be able to shift!" Lucy sounded panicked. She growled louder this time, and snapped her jaws at him. She enjoyed smelling him get afraid. Another sting. And she growled louder still, making the men and ground shake. She snapped her jaws again. "Three darts would take down an Alpha!" She heard someone yell. She felt another sting, and her limbs became tired. She realized a while ago, if their were dating her, and she attacked or killed the supposed leader, then they would dart her faster. This way she would know how much it took before she succumbed. She smirked mentally, and Alpha was the leader of a werewolf pack. She could take more than an Alpha, take that cruel world. 

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