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"He took most of the wolfsbane. The bullet passed through Liam first, and then to you. In doing so, most of the wolfsbane went into him. Your wound should be healed in an hour or two." Doctor Martin explained. "What about her chances of conceiving?" Mary asked softly. She was stroking Astrid's hair.  Martin hung his head. "It depends on how she heals. The bullet ripped her uterus. Since it wasn't totally covered in wolfsbane, I'm unsure how she will heal. If she has scar tissue, it will be a slim chance. If she has no scar tissue, then a much higher, to no issue." He explained. "So there is hope?" Mary's voice went higher with excitement. "There is no hope Mary. I am not meant to have children. Never was. All my children have died already. As a human I had several miscarriages. Becoming a wolf, and it curing my other illnesses I hoped it would keep me from miscarrying, however, this happened. It's pointless to hope for something, I was never meant to have." Astrid explains calmly. Her voice was not sad, nor depressed, just matter of fact. Mary began crying. "You may not have your own, but you will have many children, and be a wonderful mother. Little one needs a mother now. Her parents are dead." Liam whispered. Astrid nodded. Two of the guards immediately left, and went to get the Blackwood children. The guards loved their Queen, and would do anything to cheer them up.

"Lucy made him love through everything that has happened to me. All the physical, and emotional pain. Go to him. He is more than likely a broken, blubbering mess currently. Probably trying to scrub his body clean." Astrid told Mary. Her eyes went wide, and she nodded. She worried for her son. She knew Astrid was broken, but hearing how Astrid described how her son would be, made her realize just how strong she was. "She really made him live through it?" Liam whispered. She nodded. "The good and the bad. She let him feel how my first mate felt, then the pain of him dying." She shrugged. "Did you mean the order of him not allowed to touch you, or be alone with you?" Liam asked softly. The wolfsbane nearly cleared from his system. Astrid sighed. "Lucy and I are trying to protect ourselves, and him. I cannot give an heir, what use am I to him?" She stared at the ceiling. "Even after breaking your heart, you still are protecting him." Liam muttered. "I need to reject him, now." She whispered sadly. "You said you couldn't." Liam questioned. "I will always be connected to him, but he can choose another. He won't be connected to me. He can be Alpha to his pack, choose a Luna, have heirs. Everything he can't with me." A single tear rolled down her face. "What about you? What will you do?" Liam asked, rolling on his side to face her. She shrugged. "I'll continue to rule, bringing all wolves together. Until my mission is complete, then I don't know what to do. Find a secluded place, and live quietly. I guess. Maybe I'll write this story. Sell it to humans, make them think its fiction." She laughed. "Wouldn't you feel him when he does it, though?" She nodded. "A small price to pay, for him to live his life. Away from the mess that is me. Sorry you got stuck as my protector." Liam shook his head and smiled. "Never apologize for that. I got a great best friend, amazing house, amazing family, you treat me as a real person, and not some lowly rogue." He smiled softly. "Well I am healed for the most part. Time to reject him. He needs to move on, without me mucking it up." Liam tries to stop her, but the wolfsbane still causing him pain he couldn't. This would kill her. It may not kill her physically but it would kill her mentally, and mentally. Her spirit would break.

"Let's free him. He needs to have a family. His pack. No one should have to live without a pack or children." Lucy agrees somberly. Astrid hums her agreement. They enter his room, and see him curled up in a ball on the bed. His mother stroking his hair. "Leave us Mary. Please." Astrid calls softly. Mary smiles, unknowingly leaving her son to heartbreak.

"Lucy shouldn't have shown you my past. I'm so sorry. Let me fix it." Aatrid mutters to Sampson. "No, I'm glad she did. I had no idea." Astrid sighs, and let's her shoulders hang. "You won't remember this in a bit. However, I am sorry my mother paired us. You shouldn't have been paired with someone as much as a mess as I am. You deserve so much better. Which is why, I am going to fix it for you." Astrid sighs, a tear slipping down her cheek. "What are you talking about Astrid?" Sampson puts his arms around her and hugs her. "You shouldn't have to deal with a mate who doesn't trust you. Nor one who is so broken. Nor one who is barren. So, you will remember coming to the Alpha meeting. Having no feelings towards me, just that you supported me, you probably won't remember what I look like. You'll remember that your mate is dead, and her file. I hope one day you'll be able to forgive me, if you ever remember." Astrid explains, tears streaming down her face. She kissed him. Sparks exploded behind their eyes, Sampson moaned into the kiss. Her words completely forgotten by the kiss. He was utterly lost in her lips, her tongue dancing on his. She pulled back looking him in the eyes. "I'm sorry for this. So sorry. You will accept." She commanded. "I, Astrid Wolfe, daughter of the moon goddess, Queen of all werewolves reject you, Sampson Knight, as my mate, and King." Lucy whimpered. "I, Sampson Kight, accept your rejection." Sampson hissed through gritted teeth. He was trying to fight the command, but ultimately lost. "Sleep now, and forget everything from between the two of us." She commanded. "Rmember what I have told you, move on from your mate. Live, and be free." She pecked his forehead, and gently laid him on the covers.

"No, I'm too late." Liam burst through the door. "No. No. No, no ,no. You shouldn't have!" He cried out, limping towards a crying Astrid. "We had to. He needs to be safe from us. We had to." It was Lucy and Astrid. They had to now work on all the Alpha's and make them forget she had a mate. She knew it would mean more turned against her, but it was what would keep Sampson safe from her, and keep him happy.

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