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"That was a fun last." Liam kisses Astrid. They are leaving in a few hours to head to Lunar Celine pack. Liam has been going on for a week about how Astrid will go back to Sampson. No matter how much she insists, she won't. They are laying naked, in bed together. "We could have one more. I do have one last thing to show you." She winks. "Three years, and you still have things to show me. How is it that I still haven't learned all your tricks?" He teased. "Lay back, I'm in charge this time." He growled his approval.

"Ready?" Liam asked. She nodded. "One last make out before we go?" Liam chuckled at her question. Astrid knew something Liam didn't her mother had come to her, and told her it was their last night together, because Liam's second chance mate was in Lunar Celine Pack. Astrid knew it was wrong to sleep with him after knowing, but she was being selfish. She needed the sexual comfort, and knew after he found his mate, she wouldn't get her hugs or cuddles anymore.

Upon arriving at the pack, Liam's face lifted slightly, and he sniffed the air. "Go get your girl." Astrid encouraged. "You knew. That's why you didn't argue this morning. You knew. This doesn't change everything else. I promise." Liam exclaimed. "Don't make promises you can't keep." She responded. "I'm proud of you for being selfish. Keep it up." He winked. She smiled softly, and shooed him away. He grinned, and ran straight for a girl, she glared at Astrid, but grinned when she saw Liam running towards her. She threw herself into his arms, and they kissed. Astrid was happy for her best friend, but Lucy whimpered at the wish to have that herself. Liam dragged the girl back. "Nancy, this is my best friend, Alpha, and Queen Astrid." Nancy's widden, and she bows her head. "Your majesty." Astrid laughs. "Sweety, you are my Beta female. No need for formalities. Your mate is my best friend, Beta, and Protector." Astrid smiled. Nancy lifted her head, but wouldn't look Astrid in the eye. "Child, why won't you look me in the eyes?" Astrid asks. "Its disrespectful to a higher rank. Even if I'm Beta female." She mumbled. "Look at my eyes." Lucy hissed. Nancy lifted her eyes, and flashes came through Astrid's mind. The Luna beating those who looked her in the eye, bullying omegas, punishing without cause. This pack was ruled by fear. Astrid let out a feral growl. "Astrid what's wrong?" Liam let go of Nancy, and set his hand on Astrid's shoulder. Nancy whimpered, and lowered her head. "I'm not upset with you Nancy. I promise. Liam comfort your mate, not me. I have heads to knock off." Astrid hissed. Liam stiffened understanding what was wrong, when Astrid sent it through their link. He also growled at his mate being punished. "She is as evil as Luna says." Nancy mumbles. "What did you say?" Liam let go of Nancy like she had a disease. "Luna said the Queen is evil, and vile. She said that she kills without cause. She was right." Liam looked at Nancy with disgust. "That is my best friend. She has never killed without cause. She saved me from being a rogue and losing my humanity. She has adopted 4 children after their father left her barren from a gunshot, and I killed him. She has brought together all the wolves, leaving only those who wish to be alone, alone. She is wonderful, kind, compassionate, gentle, caring, firm, just. She can never be compared to evil or vile. She has never once laid a hand on anyone that was not first tried and found guilty." Liam hissed. Nancy started crying. "Her rules are lax, she has friends who help put at the castle instead of servants, she has family instead of a Beta, Delta, Royal Doctor, and Advisors. Do you still believe she is evil and vile?" Liam growled. "She just said she had heads to knock off." Liam growled. "Because your Luna is ruling the pack with fear instead of love. Because you showed us that this pack is dysfunctional. She has to set it right. Your Luna is not the real Luna of this pack." Liam hissed. "You are wrong. She bares the Alpha's mark!" Nancy growled back. "Unbelievable. I get a second chance mate, only for the crazy butch to have ruined her." Liam mutters. He grabs Nancy over his shoulder, and walks her to one of the guards. "This is my mate, don't let her out of your sight until I return. She is to not go anywhere either." Liam commanded. "You can't do this! I am a person, not an object." She screamed. Liam chuckled. "Little wolf, you have been brainwashed. I am doing this for everyone's safety. Stay put until I come back. Your Alpha is such an idiot." Liam sighs. "Watch how you talk about my Alpha!" She yelled. "Then watch how you talk about the Queen!" Liam growled.

"Sampson, I need to have a word with your pack." Astrid growled entering the pack house. He looked a little off put. "I thought you were here to congratulate us?" He responded. "Well, some things have come to my attention. I need to speak to your pack members. Now." She growled. He bared his neck in submission, and Asteid smirked. Demeter was glaring daggers at Astrid. Astrid let her power drip from her aura, and Demeter involuntarily whimpered, and bared her neck. Astrid smirked. Demeter was furious that Astrid could do that.

"Astrid! Talking to them won't be easy. The pack thinks you are worse than their Luna. That you are the reason they are being treated this way." Liam growled out. Astrid growled darkly.

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