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"Lucy, do you ever feel like we are doing the right thing? Lile this is what we were supposed to do all along. I feel like my entire life was leading up to this, and now I finally have a purpose." Astrid was speaking aloud, while walking in her human form. Her eyes shift colors, from her emerald green, to glowing purple. "I know exactly how you feel Astrid. I feel like we were meant to protect others. We are supposed to protect all those who can't protect themselves. Even warriors when their fight becomes too great." Lucy answered her back also using the human voice. "Let's go find some human town, and get some new clothes, and a shower. We stink!" Lucy playfully growled. This had been their life. Shifting from wolf to human. Talking to each other in their head, or out loud. Astrid and Lucy both helping save other werewolves. They became a legend over the past year. They were "The big bad wolf." Lucy had written that sarcastically, but it stuck. They had even heard mothers tell their pups, "if you don't start listening to me, and following the rules, the big bad wolf will come gobble you up!" They laughed at that. They would never, ever harm a pup. They both wanted their own pup, or pups more than anything. However, they knew for that to happen, they would have to be with a man. Since that night, they can rescue a man, but they prefer to scare men. Men aren't the enemy, but they aren't a friend either. Astrid and Lucy both know someone out there is the right person for them, but Astrid thinks that was her late husband, and he died before Lucy could meet him. She feels like her other half is already dead. Lucy likes to have hope, and hope that he is a good and kind man, that will give them time to warm up to them. Neither of them care if he is a werewolf, vampire or human. Yes, Astrid has met many vampires. Some came to kill her, other to ask for her help. Some just to marvel are her size. She was the size of a clydesdale horse in wolf form. Which is odd, because it's all packed into a 5'3" 115lb human body.

"I hear a waterfall! Let's shower and do some laundry!!" Astrid announces excitedly. Lucy chuckles back in her head. Astrid grew up learning how to 'rough it.' In other words, she doesn't need human, vampire, or werewolf help. She can survive out in the wilderness on her own. However, she makes sure she consults with Lucy on pack territories, hunting, runs, tracking, and such. They are able to mask their scent, so packs don't know their there. It was makes them unique, and undetectable. Over the past year, they have learned in wolf form how to not make a sound while walking. Astrid already knew how to do this in human, so it helped greatly. Astrid also knew how to tell animal tracks, and scrapings from male deer on trees. They made it to the waterfall easily.

"Careful, there is pack land a quarter mile from us in the trees. I don't think we need to mask, but let's be on guard." Lucy whispers in Astrid's head making her shake her head and chuckle internally.

"Why can we not find anything on her!? She is a newly turned werewolf, she hasn't found her mate, because I am standing right here! How can one newly turned werewolf woman survive so long as a rogue!?" Sampson was stressed. It had been a year since he discovered his mates blood, that his mate was living.

"Son, it is a possibility that she didn't make it, and we never found her body. It's also possible "The Big Bad Wolf" did away with her, or hide her away." Sampson's father, Samuel suggested. Sampson growled, then sighed. "I just want to find he-" the door burst open and Beta Aaron walked in. "There is a rogue female at the waterfall just outside our territory!" Aaron was ecstatic for his best friend and Alpha. Sampson darted out of the office. He shifted as soon as his feet touched the ground outside. Running towards the waterfall, he couldn't help but get excited. He almost reached the edge of the territory when the patrol approached. "Alpha, she uhm. We literally blinked and she um." Sampson let out a growl. "She and her things disappeared. It doesnt look like she was even there. We can't find s scent either. It's like we hallucinated a woman doing her laundry in the waterfall and washing her hair!" The warrior exclaimed. Sampson let out a frustrated sigh, which sounded like a "humph." "She was doing laundry and washing her hair? Let's go sniff and see if we can smell anything." Andrew urged Sampson. Sampson took off towards the waterfall, but was hit with honeysuckle on am ocean breeze. Andrew started to purr, Sampson let his tongue loll out, and closed his eyes inhaling. He quickly started searching the area, but thought he found nothing. He then saw inside the water, clothing. He shifted and swam to it. Hoping to see his mate hiding in the cavern, and the patrol just spooled her. To his dismay, he only found a shirt, it was too large to be a woman's but held his mate's scent. He took the shirt out of the cave, and began inhaling his mate's wonderful scent. He finally felt relaxed for the first time in years. He quickly looked over the area, to see where she might have gone. His eyes lingered in one area, but he couldn't see anything. He went to try to smell her out, but it seemed as if she ran in several different directions.

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