Three ~ Pancakes

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Alec hadn't really planned to escape right at that moment. But when he had heard Magnus' steps coming down the stairs he had decided that his only chance was to take him by surprise.

So he had waited in front of the door and just after it had opened, he had thrown himself on the Warlock. He ignored the sound of a breaking plate and ran up the stairs as fast as he could, trying to forget that Magnus smelled intoxicating.

He had reached the door and was about to open it. Freedom, he had thought and then, suddenly there was a wall in front of him. He gasped with surprise and managed not to run into it or fall on the ground. It took him a few seconds to realize that he wasn't on the staircase anymore but back in his cell.
Magic. He concluded.

When he turned around, he faced a quite satisfied and unbelievably perfect looking Magnus who held some pancakes in his hands.

Alec was too confused and shocked to pay any attention at what Magnus was saying. But he was able to figure out that the pancakes were for him, so the only thing he could do was to take one.

He wasn't able to do anything else but just eat it. Without letting Magnus out of his sight, he bit into the pancake and almost fell again. He just managed to keep a straight face but his inside was imbued with pleasure. It was hard not to moan out loud.

This pancake wasn't only delicious, it was far beyond that. The taste was simply incredible, the texture pure perfection, it was, in fact, the best thing Alec had ever eaten. Well, he had plenty of time to practice making the most perfect pancakes, he thought.

"You like it?" Magnus asked hopefully. Alec had planned to show him the cold shoulder but Magnus looked at him like a child who had drawn something for his mother and was eager to get credit for it. So he couldn't help but nod.

Alec good rewarded with a beautiful wide smile and almost forgot that he was held captive in a basement.


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"So... did you sleep well?" Magnus asked, obviously eager to keep the conversation going.

"Not at all." Alec said and tried to sound cold and unimpressed. He had to stop being nice to this man, after what he had done to him.

"Oh.." Magnus looked a bit concerned for a few seconds but then continued in his light chattering tone "Well, neither did I .. to be honest, Chairman Meow snorted way to loud next to me.. " He looked at the picture of the cat behind Alec. "And to be honest.." He looked at Alec, who wasn't able to avoid his beautiful eyes. "I feel kind of bad for having you locked up in my basement" he confessed. "I never did such thing before, at least, I think.." he seemed to search in his memory's to confirm that statement.

How many memories he must have, Alec thought. Will he remember me in a hundred years? He managed to free himself from Magnus' golden eyes and tried to focus. His kidnapper had just confessed that he was sorry for kidnapping him. He showed weakness. Alec just had to play right and put some more doubts in the man's head. But first he needed to know the real reasons.

"Then why kidnap me in the first place?"

"Reasons.." Magnus played with a pricing on his ear and looked to the floor.

"Great." Alec snapped "Then stop pitting your decision to screw up my life."

Magnus looked a little hurt by that

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Magnus looked a little hurt by that. "It won't be for very long" he said ".. I've already told your parents the prize for your freedom."

His parents? The price? Alec suddenly felt hopeless. His parents were probably quite happy that they had gotten rid of him. If the 'prize' was to high they might just let him live here.

"What prize? You want money?" he asked.

"Do I look like I need money?" Magnus asked with a raised eyebrow, gesturing with his gold-ringed fingers to himself. He really didn't.

"No.." Alec muttered, and tried to figure out what his parents had done "Look, if they offended you or someone of your .. kind .. I am really sorry but I'm not them and..-"

"No, I know" Magnus cut him off. "oh well, of course they offended me several times but I'm no insecure teenage girl, I can handle some insulting Nephilim."

"Then what is it?" Alec asked, louder than intended. He was desperate to know.

"I have.."

"Reasons?" he finished Magnus's sentence and looked disappointed at him.

"Yes, Alexander." He said sharply. "And as much as I like your company, I must say that I can't stay. I have to get back up because I'm expecting a visitor." He put the pancakes on the table with the flowers and Alec had to try hard not to immediately take another one and shove it down his throat. He must stay resistent.

"Oh and.." Magnus added, already half out the door, "don't try to yell for help, Alexander, will you? It would only lead to some uncomfortable questions."

As soon as Alec heard the door lock click, he jumped forward and put another pancake eagerly into his mouth

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As soon as Alec heard the door lock click, he jumped forward and put another pancake eagerly into his mouth.

So good. He closed his eyes to enjoy the beautiful taste. How can someone, who is so cruel, make such amazing pancakes? He thought.

But he isn't cruel, a little voice in Alec's head said. He is desperate because something happened and now he has to fix it.
But Alec tried to ignore it.


Hey friends :)

I found this picture and I thought it's really cute! It doesn't fit perfectly in this scene but close enought, right? ;)

It's by @Nruparca on instagram

I hope you enjoyed the chapter !

Who wants to try Magnus's pancakes? :p

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