Twenty-three ~ Truth

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I love him

There was a pause, then his mother opened her mouth and said the words Alec had almost knew would come, but that didn't mean he had been prepared for them:

"Alec. You're sick."

She had said it. She had said the words with which Magnus had hurt him so much, even though he hadn't meant them like that, she did.

Maybe it was because of that, that he didn't feel destroyed like the first time, all he felt was pure rage.

"Don't you dare tell me that, mom!" he tried to put as much disgust in the word as he could.

"I thought that for way too long but you know what? You know what I've realized? All those years I have been perfectly fine. It's you who is sick. It's sick letting your child suffer like that, making him pretend that he is something he isn't. You always knew who I am but you pretended not seeing it. Do you know how that made me feel all my life?" He saw how her eyes filled with tears, but he didn't care.

"Every day I played a role, I got to play the perfect Alec Lightwood, perfect son, perfect brother, perfect soldier. .." he had to take a deep breath in order to move on "When I met Magnus.. I didn't know why I felt so comfortable around him.. but now I know. For the first time I got to be myself."

He wanted to tell her so much more

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He wanted to tell her so much more. How he had cried through the nights in his room when there had been a fight with his dad again. How he had always begged his mother to stop Robert from saying these horrible things to him, but she never had.

And then, how he had started to stop arguing one day. How he had started to take the role as the perfect boy and for a long time everything had seemed fine but it had never been.

It had gotten a little better, after he had turned eighteen and didn't have to see see his parents as much. But still, every time he faced his father he would start to slip back into his role.

But he didn't tell her that, because she knew. Tears rushed down her face and she got shaken by little sobs. The truth hurt sometimes, but it had to be told.

Alec felt like she had had her punishment, so he just turned and walked away.

He didn't come far, because Jace came running towards him. He opened his mouth as he saw Alec to say something but he closed it as he saw the crying Maryse behind his brother.

"Alec what..." he managed to say but Alec wasn't in the mood to talk about it.

He wasn't angry at Jace for going to her and comforting her, they had always had a good relationship. It was fine. Now Izzy came running towards him with a bright smile on her face.

"Alec! We were looking for you, guess who came by, with awesome news!"

"What is it, iz?" Alec was tired, he just wanted to sleep.

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