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"Once upon a time, there were four friends who were travelling for trade work. When they got back to their own village, it was in ruins. More than half the people were dead, and the rest injured. The raiders left with the promise that they'd come back to finish what they started. The four of them couldn't let that happen, so they decided to do something about it.

They went to the forest to look for animals that they could sacrifice. Each came back with a wolf. Under the full moon, they performed a ritual, sacrificing the wolves and half their souls. Each of them gained a special superhuman power, along with the ability to shape shift into the wolf that they sacrificed.

The first man was the black wolf, he was gifted with strength. The brown wolf had super fast speed, and the golden wolf had heightened senses. The last was the white wolf, the strongest with the power of telekinesis. When the raiders came again, they fought. The four of them against so many, and they won.

The village prospered after that, people coming to live there after hearing about the shifters that would stop at nothing to protect their land. They were treated as if they were Gods. Then the golden wolf got into a fight with a villager, and accidently bit him with his fangs. At the next full moon, the villager that was bitten turned into a wolf too, with the powers of the golden wolf that bit him.

After realising that they had the ability to turn people, they started biting the entire village. Offsprings of two werewolves with different powers had the power of both, they were stronger. The original four were called the Firstbloods, and their biological kids were called the Truebloods, pure bloodlines were stronger than the ones that were bitten to be turned.

The only one that had a problem with this was the white wolf, he grew.. a bit insane after the constant battles. He didn't bite a single human, he considered their abilities to be a curse and not a gift. He eventually turned on the others and had to be.. put down. His line ending with him.

One of the wolves that was bitten tried to bite a human to turn him, but that human died. Then it was found that only the Firstbloods had the ability to turn others. Not the turned ones, and not even Truebloods could turn others with a bite. Then the Firstbloods bit more and more people, increasing their community by the day. Eventually because of interbreeding, in the generations to come all the wolves had all three powers. There is a good amount of population today that belongs to this community, commonly known as werewolves. And I'm.. I'm one of them." Micah finished.

"Wait, are you saying that you're a werewolf?" Elias raised a brow.

"Yeah, yeah I am. I'm a Trueblood of the black wolves line." Micah bit his lower lip.

"Okay dude, interesting story. Could definitely be made into a movie, beats twilight for me." Elias started laughing.

"Eli.. I'm not kidding." Micah shook his head gently.

"If you say so." Elias rolled his eyes playfully.

"Fine." Micah said as he stood up. He took off his shirt and started unbuckling his pants.

"What the hell are you doing?" Elias asked, shocked. Micah didn't answer and continued stripping till he was naked. Elias' eyes widened at the sight and he quickly turned away.

All of a sudden there were noises of what sounded like bones breaking. Elias' heartbeat quickened but he still kept his gaze away, only looking back when he heard the noises stop. In place of Micah, now stood a huge jet black wolf with eyes the colour of blood.

"What.. How is this possible? You weren't kidding.. fuck!" Elias' eyes widened, "Wait, you're.. you're the wolf I saw that night."

The wolf, well, Micah let out a gruntled sound which Elias figured was agreement. Elias couldn't believe his eyes, of course he wondered from time to time whether supernatural creatures existed or not, but he had always been the type to only believe what he could see from his own eyes. There had never been any solid proof of their existence, until now that is.

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