The psychiatrist

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You wake up to the sound of your doorbell ringing you slowly got up out of the bed and went to the door you grab the door knob and open the door you see an old man in a tan Trenchcoat with a white shirt underneath it he seem to be holding something I believe it was a plate he quickly looks up from the ground " hello my name is Sam Loomis I normally go by Dr. Loomis"you were surprised to see him at your door knowing that he was Michael psychiatrist "h-hi I'm (y/n) (l/n) it nice to meat you Dr. Loomis"
You showed a quick smile "would you like to come inside.." "I would love to if you don't mind" you let Dr. Loomis in and you both go to the kitchen he ends up sitting down in a chair at the end of the table you quickly grab a kettle and pour water into it you Set it on the stove and turn the stove on you look back at Dr. Loomis seeing that he brought some cookies which were on the plate you sit down and look at him "soo what brought you to my house?" Dr. Loomis looked at you and a smile Spread across his face "well I live not that far from you I live two streets down and I saw you unpacking yesterday so I thought I'd come by and say hi " before you could say anything back the kettle started screaming you quickly got up and Took the kettle of the stove you grab 2 cups and pour the hot water in you quickly put the teabags in to you brought both of the cups to the table and give one to Dr. Loomis you took a sip and looked back at Loomis "i'm glad you came over it was getting kind a lonely" you and Loomis talk for a while until you just had one question to ask "Loomis u-umm what happened to Michael Myers?" That caught him off guard he quickly Placed the cup down and look back at you "well do you want to hear it from the start?" You nodded He Side like this question has been asked 1000 times "well Michael Myers was only six when he killed his older sister Judith Myers and his Mom's boyfriend Ronnie he also killed two other people Judith's boyfriend and an school bully only leaving his mom and his Younger sister angel Myers Michael was taken to Smiths Grove where had sessions with Me and his mother  we had them daily however Michael just snapped the Nurse we had watching him when me and Mrs. Myers left the room she was mean to him and he hated her she'd make remark about the photos he got like "cute girl Wonder why she's in the photo with you" Michael took one of the forks from his tray and walked up the the nurse and stabbed her in the neck with the fork after that Michael Myers was never allowed to have visits ever again after that mrs.Myers Committed suicide leaving baby boo as an orphan later angel was adopted by the strodes and Michael spent most of his life in smiths Grove until he broke out to find his baby sister baby boo(angle Myers) killing many in the process soo enough Michael soon killed Laurie and ending the Myers family and only leaving Michael soon Mikey was soon back in Smiths Grove and now in more security than ever never to see the light again". You didn't realize that your tea had gotten cold until you took a sip "RRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNGGGG"that was Loomis phone he quickly picked it up he didn't seem to happy"GODDAMIT HOW THE BLOODY HELL DID HE GET OUT"Loomis didn't realize he was screaming he quickly ended the call and got up "I'm so sorry I have to go" (y/n) Understands plus it was getting late "oh it's ok" you and Loomis walked to the door "bye" "bye" you Watch as Loomis runs to his car you quickly close the door and lock it you didn't realize you were holding You're breath until you let it out right now all you needed was some sleep probably a hot shower

     Hey guys idk this book is killing my fingers🤗😅

❤️❤️❤️❤️ :3

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