Why are so cute?

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You woke up with the blankets on you you around to see if Michael was there of course he was he fell asleep in a chair next to the bed you begin to set up and look around the room you look back at him (why does he wear a mask) you keep looking at the features of his mask the mask looked like it could rip at any moment it had many little Scratches and tears and the hair was kind of crazy some of it was pushed back you sit there looking at the mask not knowing that Michael Was awake you Drifting in your thoughts until a hand grabs you arm you look to see Michael staring at you his eyes they we're soothing for some reason those icy blue eyes for filled with anger but still had some human inside you decide to say something considering he was kind of hurting your arm " c-can y-you please let go of my arm "he seems surprised to hear your voice is that the only reason he wanted you he slowly let's go of your arm and goes out of the room only to come back a bit later he picks you up bridal style and carries you downstairs and setting you down at the table you still wondering what's going on he brings a plate of food over to you on the plate there was Rice and meat how did he get this of this. You didn't want to question so you tried picking up the fork you forgot your hands are tied you shake your hands in a gesture he groaned and got out his knife and cut the rope he grabs the rope and takes what is left of it away you pick up the fork and begin to eat he kept watching you as you ate it was kind of uncomfortable but you really couldn't do anything about it this dude was like 6 foot he is terrifying anyway once you were done you tried to get up but your feet we're still tired you almost fell but if it wasn't for Michael catching you you would've gotten hurt he seemed mad "I-I'm s-sorry I was just trying to put the dish in the sink"your voice was so shaky he could tell you were scared he shakes his head and set you back in your seat he grabs the dish and puts it in the sink then he picks you up and sets you on the couch he left the house he stills didn't tie your hands so you tried to untied your feet it was hard but you got it undone once you did you ran to the front door and swung it open you're about to run out but you ran in to a big wall of Muscle you Open your eyes to see that dirty jumpsuit you were too scared to look up but when you did you could tell he was mad he grabbed you by your arm and dragged you back upstairs you begin to fight and struggle one he got to the room he wrapped his hands around your throat and gave one squeeze as a warning to stop struggling your hair fell in front of your face so covered your eyes you were out of energy so you begin to breathe heavy he set you back on the bed and he got some more rope but this time he didn't tie you up he just set it next to the bed and he sat on the bed to he pushed your hair out of your eyes and look at you you look at him he seams to be admiring you there's nothing to admire about me though he grabs you by the Chin and pulled you closer you blushed madly he puts his mask lips on yours making you get butterflies in your stomach suddenly you felt rope around your hands "H-HEY"he only did that so you could trick you once he was done tying your hands up you quickly pull away he Could tell you didn't like that he tricked you this time he'd have to make it up to you he pulls you Close to him so Close you can feel his warmth he pulls his mask up a bit and kisses your soft lips you blushed madly (why am I kissing a killer does he like me or I'm I falling for a killer) he pulls away so you both can breathe "heh why are you so cute~" you were shocked by what he was saying he really did like you you look away flustered "ok cute you'll have to answer that later then heh" "c-can y-you Untie me please " he looked back at you and grab your arm "OW!" he got out his knife and cut the ropes "this is the only time I will tell you this ok" "ok" "if you run or leave me I will hunt you down got it" "g-got I-it" his Voice was deep and kind a hot but you didn't care about that you we're scared to find out what he would do if I ran


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