The hospital run in

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(Blood guts and gore)
You see Jackson on the floor with blood  surrounding him blood Splattered on the walls some of his guts on the floor next to him  Fly surrounded his body in the room you fall to the floor you cover your nose and your mouth trying to block terrible stench out your nose you were almost about to cry this dude tried to rape you and you barely know him but couldn't help but feel sad and in shock you can scream like there's something stuck in your throat you got back up and went into the hallway shutting the door the loud slam " n-nurse anybody" your voice it was shy and quiet but you could still hear it You wanted to scream someone's name so badly but something is stopping you you didn't know what you quickly make your way down the hall Noticing nurse at the desk "miss miss please help me my Friend Jackson h-he he's"
"Sweetheart is everything OK your friend Jackson is there something wrong with him sweetheart?" "Miss I found him dead in his room I wanted to go check on him and I found him dead" you start to cry  The nurse. Pulls you closer to her
"It's all right sweetie I'll call security all right but right now let's get you back to your room ok?" "O-ok" you and the nurse Head back to your room she helps you get back in to your bed "sweetie just try to get some rest OK" "all right Miss?" "Miss Beverly" "thank you Miss Beverly goodnight" "Night"
You Tried going to sleep and getting that awful image of Jackson out of your Brain but you couldn't you hear a loud scream and a thud you quickly get out of bed go towards the door"miss Beverly are you ok "nothing you look out the door and start walking the halls calling her name "miss Beverly.."until you see it her lifeless body on the ground multiple stabbings in the chest and a deep cut cross the face you almost tripped over her body you quickly grab her"miss Beverly Miss Beverly!" You were freaking out holding a dead person in your hands you were so scared and didn't know what to do you were shaking out of control and you could tell every time you looked at Miss Beverly her body would shake suddenly you hear loud footsteps probably made from worker boots still scared and now crying you look down the hall only to see him again this time that dirty jumpsuit was covered in blood and so was his weight beat up mask his hands and his kitchen knife covered in blood you both just stared at each other his icy blue eyes looking into your (e/c) eyes it was silence until you heard his work boots hit the tile floor you quickly got up blood all over you who started to run trying so hard not to fall he quickly grabbed your hospital gown causing you to jerk back you start to wonder . How did you catch me he was walking. He quickly spun you around and a hand wrapped around your throat you can't scream you couldn't do anything you couldn't fight back it was silence hot tears begin to roll down your cheek as you close your eyes tightly. I don't wanna die I don't wanna die I don't wanna die. Still feeling the pressure around your throat it quickly left still not opening your eyes with tears rolling you felt a hand quickly wipe away your tears with that you opened your eyes staring at his chest You end up looking up in to his eyes you flinch as he moves his hand him noticing he go slower  he quickly picks you up . Why didn't he kill me. With your face in his chest your body begin to warm up for some reason you like this feeling and couldn't help but fall sleep you felt something soft guess you're back in your room You felt the covers cover your body and the warmth from your body disappeared still haven't said anything you quickly open your eyes a bit only to see him leaving the room you didn't know why he didn't kill you Maybe you'll have to find out later on

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