King of Chaos

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Awesome Perseus Jackson above ⬆️

With my wife and I, Bianca di Angelo Jackson, and me, Perseus Jackson, or Silver and Cosmos,we rule the Universe. See, a long time ago, 15,000 years ago in the Void, it is only 15 Earth years. I was betrayed. Everyone betrayed me, so I left. I defeated monster after monster, bringing girls to Artemis and girls and boys to Camp. But I never gave a name. I soon found myself on the brink of death. And then, Chaos came to me. The Creator.

He came to me, saying that he didnt want to rule, only create, and has been looking for someone powerful and worthy to become his heir and King, so thats what happened. And I dont hate Earth, I just hate everyone on it.

My girlfriend cheated on me. My friends abondoned me. And the gods turned their backs on me. And when I asked my mom if I could come home, she was nine months pregnant and basically told me to stay away because I was only a burdon. What kind of person says that to their son? Well, I have children, and I treat them better than my mother could have treated me, or my father. I was the best day I could be, and Bianca was the best mother.

Chaos let me bring one companion back from the dead, and I picked Bianca.

We started as friends, then dated for fifteen years, then got married. We have three kids, Achilles, Andromeda, and Theseus. They are all Immortal seventeen and look like the both of us.

But the thing is, now, since Oblivion is raising to crush Earth. So now Bianca, Andy, Ach, Thes, and I have to go to Earth to make sure no one dies. And to be honest, I want to see my mortal sister. She should be fifteen by now, and she didnt betray me. She never knew me and probably doesnt even know I exist. Then again, everyone most likely thinks I am dead, which to be honest, I dont really have a problem with.

So now we were going back, and I had to tell them who I was. Chaos, help me now. But, it might be funny to see their reactions...

Peace out, here I come.

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