Hello Mother

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Luke Castellan above⬆️


In truth? Her betrayal was the worst. She threw me out in the worst time if my mortal life. My mother, Sally Jackson.

I was standing at the door, Thes, Ach, Andy, and Bianca were with me. I did want to meet my younger sibling, she did nothing to me. In fact, she wasn't even born.

I knocked on the door and a young boy came to the door.

"Hi! My name is Pierce Jackson! What's your name?"

Awe, a little energetic boy, so much like me.

"Hi, Pierce. My name is Percy."

"You have a cool name, Mr."

"Thank you. These are my wife and kids, Bianca, Thes, Ach, and Andy."

"Those are weird names, Mr and Ms Peoples."

I laughed. "You a good kid. They are only nick names. Their real names are Theseus, Achilles, and Andromeda."

Pierce's happy-go-lucky expression faded into a more reserved one. "Like...Ancient Greek people."


"I had a brother once. I never met him. His name was Perseus..."

"I know, Little Bro. That is my name."

"Wait...you...you're Perseus...you're my brother?"

"Yes. I haven't been here in fifteen years. Mind if we come in? We're family, after all."

He looked at me, his blue eyes reading me...and he broke into a wife smile. "You look like some of the photos my mom-our mom keeps! You're really my brother! I can't wait to tell Phoebe..."

"Tell me what, Pierce?"

"This is him, Sis! Perseus Jackson! Our brother...OMGs, I'm am uncle!"

"Pierce?" It was my mother's voice.

She came and when she saw me, she just stopped and her eyes widened.

"Hello, Mother. Not that nice to see you. Haven't seen you in what...fifteen years?"

"Percy." She said, she looked guilty and like she was going to faint. Then she saw my children and Bianca, and gasped. "Pierce, Phoebe, go somewhere else. I need to talk to Percy."

"So it really is him?"

"Yes," Sally sighed.

Once they left, I stared at her, not giving her any emotion. "This is my wife, Bianca. And my children, Theseus, Achilles, and Andromeda."

"Hi," She looked like she was going to faint. I went inside the house without her inviting me in.

"So, Mother. How have you been in the last fifteen years? I wouldn't know. You know, because you pushed me away when I needed you most. When Annabeth cheated on me, when all my friends betrayed me and I was all on my own? I had no one. Well, I had you and Paul." I gave her a glare. "Or so I thought. But I was too much trouble, wasn't worth keeping me around. Not cared for. You didn't want me. You basically told me to get lost. You were the last person I had left."

She didn't say anything.

"But then," She looked at me. "My savior came. Chaos, the Creator.He knew I didn't deserve what I was put through. He made me his heir. I AM COSMOS, RULER OF THE UNIVERSE, KING OF EVERYTHNIG!" I made my voice boom, looked at her with hatred. She said nothing. "I am more powerful than any god, only Chaos surpasses me, Mother. I am Immortal, and it had been fifteen thousand years without my mother."

She had tears in my eyes, but I could care less. She had her chance. And she blew it.

"I am more powerful than you could possibly imagine." I whispered. "And luckily for you, I don't care enough to take my anger out on you, you don't mean anything to me anymore. You turned my heart to stone. The only reason I'm here is to see my siblings because they weren't born yet, so they didn't do anything to me. And you know, after the life I had on Earth, starting with Gabe, to almost dying, to rescuing you from the Underworld, stopping World War 3, fighting in two wars, you would have thought I would be given at least a small shread of respect. But I wasn't."

"You don't know what it's like. To have everything taken from you. And I am taking Pierce and Phoebe out. I'm their brother, and I will act like their brother, whether you like it or not."

I turned to get them and she said, "They're named after you, you know. Phoebe and Pierce. And they should be proud of their names."

I looked at her. I didn't have anything to say.


"Why did you leave in the first place? Why do you hate mom so much?" Pierce asked.

The seven of us we sitting at a table in Cracker Barrel, they have really good hamburgers.

"It is a long story. What did mom ever tell you about the Greek gods?"

"They are real." Phoebe said. "She said you were a son of a god-a demigod. She didn't say which god."

"True," I nodded. "I am a son of Poseidon, god of the seas."

I told them everything they wanted to know. All about my dyslexia and ADHD, how I never lasted a full shool year, Gabe, then my first quest and the events that led up to it. Then I told them about all of my other quests, the second Titan war, Hera taking away my memory, the Second Great Prophecy, my time at Camp Jupiter, the Giant war, Tartarus, everything that they asked.

"That is seriously amazing," Phoebe said. "But it doesn't explain why you left or why you hate mom so much now."

"I got betrayed. All my friends left me, Annabeth cheated, I lost everyone. I turned to mom, who was pregnant with you at the time, and when I asked if I could stay there, she told me to get lost. She said I was a burdon, weight on her shoulders that she didn't need. So I left."

"I'm sorry. It doesn't change anything, but I am." Phoebe said.

"It is okay. I have a great life, an amazing wife, two idiots and my awesome daughter," Theseus and Achilles started arguing, "And a family. But you guys are family too. I know that you won't say yes, but do you want to come back to the Void with me? I could let you come back to Earth whenever you please, but you would be Immortal, living as royalty. I am the King, after all."

"Wait, are you serious?" Pierce asked. "Hell yes!"

"I don't know. I want to, but I need time to think about it."

"You have until we leave. When we take down the enemy. But you are always welcome to come, the problem is I might not see you again after."

"I love you, big bro," Phoebe said.

"See you," Pierce said. And they left.

"I think that went well," Theseus said.

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