Wassup Losers

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Above is Theseus, or Thes, Percy's son.⬆️


"Dad, we have to leave."


"Earth. You said to remind you. Now, c'mon!" Thes said.

"But I dont want to."

"Do you want everyone to die?"

"To be honest, I really wouldnt mind all that much."


"Fine, I'm up! Happy?"

"Yeah," Thes smiled and I grinned at him.

"Wake your siblings, and if they are up, wake the Castellans. They are coming with us."

"Cool!" Thes said, laughing, and bounced out of the room. Once he was gone, I turned to my wife.

"Bianca," I shook her. She was sleeping next to me.

"Five more minutes..." She mumbled and I grinned.

"WAKE UP!" I yelled in her ear.

She punched me in the face, but trust me, it was so worth seeing her expression.

"Ass," She muttered.

"You love me," I grinned.

"Unfortunately." She muttered.

"I'm King of the Universe, chosen by The Creator himself. You think you could do better?"

"Well...Luke, second in command of your army is hot...shame he is married to Zoë. How is Hal and May, by the way? I need to see Zoë again. I haven't seen her in a while."

"Hal is fine. I see him a few times when he hangs out with Thes."

"Okay." She yawned and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you in the Teleroom. I know how badass and mysterious you like to be."

I pouted. "Its fun! Besides, they betrayed me. I will enjoy seeing their faces when I introduce myself as Ruler Of The Universe. I mean, their expressions will be hilarious!"

Bianca patter my back. "Sure, Honey. Now get ready or I'll smack you."

I laughed, kissed her, and started to get dressed.

I put on magnificent pure black armour, that cover half of my face. Ot had a black cape with stars-the galaxy. I wore a golden crown with rubies and other gems. A little much, but first impressions are the best way to scare them into next week.

Soon, Bianca, Luke, Zoë, Ach, Andy, Thes, May, Hal, and I were ready to flash into the Throne Room.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Bring it on, Loser," Luke grinned at me. Luke is like my brother now.

"You're on." We all connected hands and everything shifted.

The Olympian Council, Nico, Reyna, the Cabin Councillors, and the rest of the Seven were there, and sort of just stopped and stared when they saw me.

"Wassup, Losers? And didn't mother Rhea tell you that staring isn't polite?"

"Who are you?" Zeus asked.

"I am Cosmos, Chosen by Chaos, Ruler of the Universe. This lovely lady is my wife, Silver, and these are my children, Achilles, Andromeda, and Theseus. This loser is like my brother, Fallyn, his wife Constellation, and their children May and Hal. But..."

I grinned broadly. "It isn't nice to see you all again! You might know us better as Bianca di Angelo, Luke Castellan, and Zoë Nightshade."

Everyone stared at us in shock.

"Do we know who you are?" Annabeth asked.

"Oh, I don't know. Do you think they know me, Castellan?"

"Think so, Cos."

"What do you think Conny? Constellation is a mouthful." I grinned and she grinned back.

"Oh, I think they do, Cosmos."

"What do you think, Sil?"

She laughed, waved at Nico, who looked like he was going to faint, and kissed my cheek.

"Dad, stop being so mysterious already!" Thes said, smiling.

"Okay." I looked each of them in their eyes, my gaze cold. "I think all of you know who I am." I revealed my face, smirking at their priceless expressions. "Hey, Backstabbers. Miss me?"

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