I've Changed

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Above is Achilles, or Ach, Percy's other son⬆️


I felt like I had been sucker punched. Percy. Percy freaking Jackson, after fifteen years, was here, in front of me. With...with a wife...and children...

I felt like I was going to cry. This just wasn't fair! The guy, Arnold, from the Aphrodite cabin caught me in a moment of weakness, and kissed me, and I just happened to kiss him back the moment Percy came along! I mean, I don't regret kissing the guy, he's hot, and frankly not a bad kisser either, and I kiss him whenever I feel like it, but that doesn't really matter.

Percy is the freaking King of the freaking Universe! And married! How dare that....that bitch steal my boyfriend. He is mine, always will be, and that won't change. He will be mine, again. And this time, he won't catch me cheating on him.

Wait....Luke Castellan...he is supposed to be dead! He doesn't deserve to live! Not after what he did to me, the jerk. I mean, I never even got to kill him for the way he treated me, instead he was all noble and died to sacrifice himself to save the gods.

Holy Hades, him and Percy are really hot. And is it wrong that their kids are insanely hot? But Percy is hotter, he always was, and is.


"Piper," I whispered to her.

"Oh my freaking gods," She whispered back.

I couldn't breathe. Percy Jackson wasn't dead. He was alive...married...a father...and the freaking King of the Universe. I can't believe it. He probably wants nothing to do with us, just save the planet and leave.

"Dad, want us to introduce our full titles before you? I mean, we might not be able to go if you go first, I mean, you being you, of course."

"Sometimes I really want to hate you, Thes."

"But I am too awesome to hate!" 'Thes' said cheerfully. I looked at Aphrodite, and it was a mistake. Her eyes wouldn't leave Percy....Luke...I saw a picture of him before, wasn't he...dead? And the host of Kronos that died to kill Kronos?-and their three total boys.

Percy's gaze turned to me, his eyes a cold void without any warmth or emotion. I honestly wanted to cry. I needed to make everything up to him. I had to.


My sister is alive and married to Percy Jackson....with children...Holy Father, I'm an uncle! And...Bianca...she is...

"Bianca..." I breathed.

She turned, and when she saw me, she scoffed, and my heart shattered.

"Don't talk to me, Nico. I am not your sister anymore. Not after what you did to my husband." She had a poker face on. "And by you losers, I would be called Silver."

"And why should I do that?" Annabeth said rudely.

"Because, Annie, I am the queen of the Universe, and much, much, much more powerful than you could ever imagine."

Annabeth looked stumped, and stayed quiet.

"So, hey, I am Theseus Jackson, call me Theseus, and I am a Prince of the Void, son of Cosmos, or Perseus Jackson, brother of Achilles and Andromeda Jackson. And, um, I've killed stuff. And saved stuff. And fought in like............twenty five wars in the past twenty years. Oh," And, he winked at Luke's daughter, May, I think, "I hope I'm not single for long..."

She blushed, and winked at him.

"I'm Achilles Jackson, call me Prince," He studied our faces, "And I'm not joking. I don't like you people, and I won't tolerate any...funny buisness. I am a Prince of the Void, son of Perseus, or Cosmos, brother of that idiot and Andromeda, my mother is Silver of Bianca, and I am hot and single," He grinned, winking at Amanda, from the Aphrodite cabin.

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