Chapter 4

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Jungkook slips his hands into the pockets of his pants as he watches in amusement of the five people discussing just a few steps in front of him. When the girl, Chaeyoung turns around again and walks towards him, he perks up.

She says something, a lot of things, seeming very uncertain about it and Jungkook observes the way her brows move while she's talking. He looks into her eyes when she looks up at him, and he almost smirks when she immediately looks down and he takes the time to shift his gaze toward her cute nose then down to her moving lips and damn, she is cute.

He does find her cute when she was drunk, but she's even cuter when she is sober.

Not to mention, she really has a soothing voice. Like a warm tea with a touch of honey.

"Okay," Jungkook says, exactly a second after she finished talking.

Chaeyoung blinks her eyes and stares. "What?"

"I said, okay."

"That's quick," a shorter guy behind her says.

"Um," Chaeyoung begins. "I'm not sure if you heard everything I said."

Jungkook quirks a brow. "You want me to be your fake boyfriend and you want me to come with you to your ex boyfriend's wedding and you're willing to pay me any amount that I want."

Surprise flickers in her eyes and her cheeks pinked. "Okay. Um. Well, you don't want time to think?"

"Actually, I already heard everything while you guys were discussing earlier so I've thought about it already," he says with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, well," the taller guy who had approached him and Chaeyoung earlier says, "That's settled, then. Isn't that so easy?"

It's a bit embarrassing to acknowledge how embarrassing it is that he doesn't actually take days to think whether he wants to do it or not. But she's offering money, and he's in dire need of it at this moment or else he'll be back home to his things already packed, ready to be thrown out by the grouchy landlady. Screw it, he thinks. He doesn't have a lot of time. Wasting time is really the last thing he should be doing.

"I have a request, though," he says rather casually.

The twinkle in her eyes almost makes him chuckle, although he has no reason to.

"Can I get the money today?" he asks. And then, the whole world goes silent.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," the tall female friend of Chaeyoung breaks the silence. "The money is yours after you're done with your job."

Jungkook nods. "I know that's how it works all the time but-"

Chaeyoung's shorter guy friend interrupts. "What if Chaeyoung pays you now and you run away?"

He presses his lips together. "I won't run away. I'll do the job. I really need the money today or I'll be homeless in a couple of days," he spills the truth, uncaring of what these strangers think.

Chaeyoung eyes him for a moment. "How can I be sure that you won't disappear?"

"I'm a responsible person," Jungkook responds.

The shorter guy who looks slightly like Chaeyoung snorts. "I don't think you should be using the word 'responsible' to describe yourself if you can't pay your rent."

Jungkook's brows furrow, head tilting and scoffs loudly. "Who are you, again?"

"Park Jimin."

"Right, Park Jimin. Feel free to park yourself somewhere else because this is a discussion between Chaeyoung and I. So-"

"You know my name?" Chaeyoung's eyes go wide.

"Your friend right here literally mentioned your name earlier," Jungkook points to the other man who hooks his arm around Jimin to calm him down right after Jimin's jaw dropped, about to lunge at Jungkook.

Another woman with an oddly attractive deep voice finally speaks. "We're her friends and we're just concerned about her. I mean, Chaeyoung has been let down many times."

"Jisoo!" Chaeyoung hisses in embarrassment.

"Jimin's right, though," the taller woman says in a lower voice and turns to her friends, "besides, he's just a candidate."

"We can find other candidates."

"Exactly. Maybe someone who's anything but materialistic."

"Guys," Chaeyoung mutters, "you know that he can hear us, right?"

Jimin glances at Jungkook for a brief second before he narrows his eyes and turns back towards Chaeyoung. "Even better that he's listening."

Jungkook's frown deepens. "Okay, well you know what," Jungkook looks at Chaeyoung straight in the eyes, "keep your money. Except for the money you have to pay me for my food that you spilled."

Chaeyoung obviously rolls her eyes at her friends, muttering something that sounds to him like 'It's all your fault'. She looks at him long, sighing as she unzips her handbag and takes out a hundred bucks.

"I don't have the change," Jungkook grumpily says.

"Keep the change."

"No, I don't want to keep the change."

"No, I insist," Chaeyoung says softly.

Jungkook really considers taking them all but he thinks back of the insult and he rolls his eyes, quietly shaking his head as he turns away from her and begins to walk away. He feels unusually grouchy and wonders if he's been infected by the landlady's grouchiness. He's usually shameless, but today, he's really stressed out over the fact that he's really going to be homeless because he is running out of time. He can hear the tick of the clock in his head.

This is probably why Min Yoongi is called God. In the end, everything else doesn't work out and people will eventually turn to him.

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