Chapter 13

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"Wow, aren't they just so shameless?" Jimin says.

He plops next to Taehyung on the couch, head still facing towards where Lisa is with her beau in the kitchen. Lisa is sitting on the countertop watching Jackson flipping pancakes. Once in a while, Jackson goes towards Lisa and takes a grape from her mouth using his mouth and they giggle together like some 13 years old couple.

"Gross," Jimin says.

Jennie scoffs. "You are just going to be like that once you have a partner."

"Not me, obviously," Taehyung puts his hands in the air. "I'm in a relationship and I never do any of that."

"That's because Jisoo is your girlfriend," Jennie responses. "If you're with somebody else, you're just going to be the same as that." She cocks her head towards the two lovebirds.

"But isn't it absolutely normal to flirt with your own partner," Chaeyoung adds. "Don't tell me none of you ever flirted with your partner?"

"Not loudly," Jisoo tells her.

"An intellectual," Jimin says.

"When did you become so... reserved?" Chaeyoung chuckles at Jimin with a raised brow. She turns to Jisoo. "Remember when he used to openly flirt with every bartender at The Agust's Tavern?"

Jisoo's eyes widen a bit before she nods her head. "He was so shameless."

Jimin laughs aloud, dramatically and exaggeratingly with no humor in it. "People change, Chaeyoung. Oh, I forgot, except you. I mean, if you've changed, you would be fine with this upcoming wedding."

"Hey!" Chaeyoung glares. "I am fine!"

"Speaking of that," Jennie raises her voice, obviously trying to stop her and Jimin from bickering as she immediately looks towards Chaeyoung before a smile spreads on her face. "How's it going with Mr. Fake Boyfriend?"

Chaeyoung flicks her gaze away and shrugs. "It's fine."

She hears Jimin humming before he mutters. "Doesn't sound fine."

"Really?" Taehyung asks. "Did he run away or something? He better not. The wedding is exactly five days from today."

"It's perfectly fine," Chaeyoung sighs and rests her head on her hand as she idly scrolls through her phone. "He's not running away with my money."

"You don't look fine," Jennie says with her eyes narrowed. "You nervous?"

Chaeyoung lifts her head, thinks of their almost kiss a few days ago, gulps. "Nervous for what?"

"For the wedding."

"Oh," she goes back to scrolling. "I don't know. No, I guess."

"So, if you're not nervous for the wedding, then, is everything fine with your fake boyfriend?"

"What makes you guys think that something is wrong?"

Jennie keeps on staring at her as if she wants her to spill something but eventually, she sighs in defeat and says that it's nothing. Jimin, though, doesn't let the discussion about Jungkook die down yet.

"So, have you guys kissed?"

She wishes that Jungkook believed her that she was actually ready, she wasn't hesitating, she was just flustered, that it was out of habit to say 'maybe' in that situation. Chaeyoung presses her lips together, shakes her head as her lips subconsciously jut out into a small pout.

"What?!" Everyone collectively yells, causing Lisa and Jackson to stop doing whatever they're doing before Lisa hurriedly goes towards them.

"What happened?" Lisa asks, eyes enlarged.

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