Chapter 8

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"So," Jungkook says after the waiter goes away. "Do you also skip your work like I did?"

Chaeyoung doesn't seem to catch on what he said until a moment passes and she lets out a small 'ah'. It's their third time to go on a date together, which she likes to refer as, 'hanging out together'. It's the third time, if he includes the first time they ate together after she offered to buy him food.

On this date, Jungkook has insisted to pay for the food because after their night ice cream date, he got a call from his friend Namjoon and his service was needed for a wedding photoshoot of Namjoon's dogs because the photographer Namjoon has hired couldn't' make it last minute. Well, it doesn't sound all that great of a job, the subject wasn't the kind of subject he's used to work with, but he got paid for it.

Maybe, Chaeyoung is his lucky charm.

"I'm as jobless as you are," she laughs and Jungkook's brows shoot up as if there are strings pulling them upwards violently.

"What?" he exhales, mouth hangs open. "Are you telling me that you're jobless but you could pay me an amount that covers both my house rent and for my suit to be tailored and food and you're wearing all these expensive stuffs and you're not broke?"

Chaeyoung doesn't smile, her lips form a pout that is on display for a brief moment before she shrugs. "Well, I'm not exactly jobless. Um..." she trails off. "My dad wants me to work in his law firm-"

Jungkook straightens himself on the seat and stares at her, wide-eyed. "You're a freaking lawyer?"

She grins. "No, I'm sort of a singer."

"Sort of?" he repeats and asks, "What does that mean?" He tilts his head in confusion. Something doesn't add up. "Wait, since when did law firm needs singers?"

Chaeyoung laughs and her laughter sounds like a beautiful song of spring.

"You're a singer under a law firm? Like, it's your agency or something? Like, it's a two-in-one company? A talent agency and a law firm. Like that?"

She shakes her head and throws her head back. "No. Well, my dad really wants me to work under his law firm, he even enrolled me to the same law school my older sister went to, but it's really not something that I want to do. My heart is just not for it," she says and slowly, the smile on her face fades. "I used to sing part time at this club, but they no longer take part times now. Sometimes I got invited to sing at another club. So far, I've been invited twice."

Jungkook doesn't miss the bitter tone wraps around the last word of her sentence.

Well, she must be a rich man's daughter, then, Jungkook thinks. If she lives in this kind of lifestyle, that's the only explanation there is. If not, where on earth does the money come from?

"So...whatever that you are thinking right now, I guess you're right," she says sadly. "But I don't just live off my parents' money. I write blogs, too. Basically, reviews of food for restaurants and I earn some money from there. It doesn't make me a millionaire or anything, but it's enough I guess."

Jungkook nods understandingly. "So your dad, he's fine with you being a singer? Or writing food reviews?"

Chaeyoung hums again, and Jungkook subconsciously smiles. She stirs her drink gently. "Well, my dad doesn't have any idea of me being a singer at a club. If he knew, it's accurate to say that the world would end," she chuckles. "He's actually fine with singing as a hobby, but not as a profession."

Jungkook places some meat onto Chaeyoung's plate and he pretends not to see the way her eyes glitter, her hand falters briefly before a small smile decorates her face. "Why not? Singers are not any lesser than any successful people just because they don't do stuff like lawyers, doctors, accountants and scientists do."

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