Chapter Seven

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You walked forward, the taste of the delicious pancakes still lingering. Luckily your mouth hadn't burnt badly during the coffee incident, so it wasn't giving you any grief. Honestly, you were tired, but you didn't feel too bad. You soon noticed someone walking next to you. Todoroki.

"O-oh! Hello Shoto... Are you alright? You look rather distant..."

"I'm simply investigating."

At least he was forward... Still.

"I see. Any reason?"

"You confuse me."

You were definitely intrigued. Why did you confuse him?

"Oh? And why's that?"

"I've grown up with expectations of you and you're not meeting them. I had very set views, so therefore, you confuse me."

You looked thoughtful before replying. How do you reply to something like that?

"Is that a good or bad thing?"

"I think it's good. The ideas I had of you were that you were very... Stuck up."

"I see. Well... don't let me disturb you."

"I won't."

He then fell back a little, although you still felt his eyes on you. You shifted your bag a little, and decided to check your phone for any notifications. Unfortunately, there was nothing to entertain you. You sighed, remaining in silence until you reached your desk. You were embarrassed where you were sat... Perhaps you could speak to Aizawa-sensei, Principle Nezu or perhaps even Endeavour. You shook your head lightly - Endeavour was most likely too busy after the whole All Might incident.

You sighed, resting your head on the desk. Daydreams filled your head. You imagined rabbits bouncing around in the sunlight and cats sunbathing. How relaxing... Suddenly, you heard the counting of Aizawa and instantly shot up.

"1... 2... 3... Not bad, 1-A."

He seemed to be in a good mood. Well, at least in comparison to his usual sleepy-zombie personality. You reached to pick up a book, but stopped when Aizawa called your name.

"Not today, Ms (F/N). Today we're going to train your quick thinking and strategies. Please put your hero suits on once again - get outside and onto the coach. Pro-heroes will meet us at the training site. Settle down, and please hurry."

You were excited to wear your suit again. It was soft, comfy and very feminine. You also loved the almost samurai theme to it. You smiled, removing your suit, letting the light fabric gently brush against your fingers. You noticed that it was seamless - all the cuts from your last battle had been fixed and were now invisible. Not bad.

You walked out amongst several students. You noticed Midoriya was standing next to you.

"Hello Midoriya."

"Oh! Hi (Y/N)! Wow, you can't even see the damage from last time on your suit!"

"Yes... I was impressed by that too. Your suit seems just as it did first time I saw it - the seamstresses are very talented."

You remembered your stitching - before you had been made to practice for months, your stitching was uneven and loose. It truly was awful.

"Mhm! They must be really talented, unless it's their quirk... I better note this down!"

You smiled as Midoriya suddenly buried himself in a book, mumbling and making notes about the potential quirk. They were probably just good workers, but you didn't want to spoil Midoriya's fun.

Soon, you looked up at the school bus. The seats looked comfy enough, so you sat next to Jirou. Aizawa called the register, before dramatically announcing :

"Welcome to the training centre."

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