Chapter Eight

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You walk in, temporarily astounded. It was very large, and realistic. How many environments could be in one dome? You felt an arm on your shoulder.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?"

You smiled at Ochaco. 

"Yeah, it's just so big. Honestly, I love it."

Suddenly, multiple pro-heroes walked in. You recognised them all - Midnight, Thirteen and All Might (in his smaller form). You'd never been in the presence of so many. Midnight began to speak.

"Welcome to the teamwork trials! Today will be focused on combat and strategy. You'll be put into teams of two - and one team of three - to make your way back here. Teams have been pre-determined. Now, I'll call out the teams. First off - Uraraka, Ochaco and Midoriya, Izuku."

The duo high-fived. You got lost in the amazing views, marvelling at how unbelievable the dome was. Suddenly, you heard your name, stirring you out of your trance.

"(L/N), (F/N) and Todoroki, Shoto."

You were starting to get very annoyed at Endeavour. Why did he have to interfere? You may be in the famed U.A., but you felt like it was compromised. You soon recognised Shoto's presence next to you.

"Hm. At least I can study you closer now."

You side glanced at him.


"Do you not want to be my partner?"

You blushed - you hadn't realised you'd been rude to Shoto at times.

"No, not at all. You're very experienced and kind too, so you're a great partner."

He looked suprised for a second, a light blush on his face. He hadn't really been complimented before.

"Thank you. You're a good partner too, (Y/N)."

Soon, you and Shoto headed off to your starting position. Unfortunately, you were in the lava area... You doubted even he could freeze all of it. You stood, prepared for the situation. All you had to do was get from A to B. Not hard, right?

The countdown started. However, fear soon prickled your spine.


Why is the ground moving?


A-are they creatures?!


Tons, all heading towards you two!

"Let the challenge begin!"


You gasped as a blast of cold hit you. Shoto had created ice, hoping to destroy all the beasts... two of the many fell. 

You felt helpless. It was too hot to absorb any moisture to use your quirk. You stood, back-to-back, with Todoroki. You could at least try and help. As a flaming hot creature approached you, you ducked down and used your leg to take its legs out - but yelped in pain. Part of your uniform had been burnt away, and you could see part of your flesh had been burnt off.

"Shoto, don't touch them! They're flaming hot."

"Did you touch one?"

"That's unimportant!"

Suddenly, you froze. You could sense water somewhere... but where? Then you realised - you'd been stupid. Shoto's ice was quickly melting away, but a steady flow of steam was flowing out. You gathered the scalding water and sent a tidal wave at the beasts. Only a few creatures were knocked down, and it was a powerful attack. 

"Any success over there?"

"The water isn't affecting them! Your ice doesn't seem to be either..."

"No. We need to get somewhere safe."

You nodded. Your leg was starting to sting a lot now - the sweltering heat really wasn't helping either. The faster you reached the exit, the better. You quickly searched the area, not seeing much of an exit. That's when you saw it - a high cliff, with a flat peak. Perfect!

"Shoto, look up and to your right!"

He turned, and his eyes widened as he saw the towering structure. 

"I see it."

"Any ideas on how we can get up there?"

He nodded.

"Hold on to me."


"Just trust me, (Y/N)."

You nodded, clinging tightly onto Shoto's arm. All of a sudden, you felt yourself being lifted - and you realised the plan. Shoto was propelling himself with ice. However, the base was quickly melting. You both landed messily onto the cliff, and you felt your leg being grazed. Adding salt to the wound.

You both sighed, exhausted, as you looked down.

Now what?


Welcome, dear readers, to the training centre arc!

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