Chapter Twelve

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Shoto awoke to the sound of Aizawa's voice. He startled as he noticed you fast asleep on his shoulder, but soon remembered the day's events. He gently shook you, sitting you up as you began to stir. You opened your slightly less tired eyes to a coach full of hungry UA students. You stretched, before listening to your sensei.

"...Once you get inside the building, go straight to the dining hall. You can eat there. However, due to the fact that half of your missed lessons were regular subjects, you will be learning English and Mathematics in the 5th and 6th period."

A collective groan emitted from the tired class.

"No complaining. This is the only way I was able to fit training in. Now, go and eat. I expect you to be in Present Mic's class on time. That's all."

Everyone stepped out of the bus, feeling groggy and depressed. You quickly made your way to the dining hall, and smiled at the choices. Sushi was on the menu today, and sashimi too, one of your personal favourites. There was also a dessert of (F/F) cake, and it looked amazing. You quickly sat down at a table and began to slowly eat your food. Ochaco came over to sit next to you.

"Hey (Y/N)! Wow, I'm so hungry."

She then began to tuck into her plate of sashimi. You made polite conversation with her as Deku joined the both of you. Suddenly, you felt your phone buzz. Someone had messaged you. Very few people had your phone number at the moment... You checked it.

Hey (Y/N)! It's Mina~

You typed a reply, getting the sense that Mina was trying to make the introduction quick. You made polite conversation with her, before you blushed when Mina sent you a photo. You realised that it must have been taken on the coach - you and Todoroki were leaning on each other, fast asleep. Ochaco tried to look at your phone, and you quickly shoved it in your bag.

"Hm? Who was that (Y/N)?"

You blushed profusely, trying to regain your composure. She giggled at your funny reaction, recognising that reaction as one she had worn many times before.

"You don't need to hide it (Y/N). We saw you two on the coach~"

You sighed. It happened in a very open space. There was no chance that you hadn't been seen. You sighed.

"Don't worry. We have photos of others too - including a cute KiriBaku one!"


Ochaco grinned deviously.

"Kirishima and Bakugo. It's cute!"

You looked at the photo Ochaco was showing you. It showed Kirishima excitedly showing something to Bakugo. Bakugo was slightly blushing at Kirishima's angelic face. Soon, everyone had finished eating and began heading to class. That's when Shoto came up and spoke to you quietly.


You blushed at his close proximity. You answered, stuttering, with a simple 'yes?'. You could see sadness in his eyes.

"I need you to know - I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to train, and to become a hero. So don't expect anything from me - we are not friends. We won't ever be friends. So don't get your hopes up."

Shoto's tone didn't match the sorrow reflected in his eyes. Meanwhile, somehow you felt shattered. Something broke. You felt awful. You had lots of friends, so why was this one person making you so sad? But then that's when you realised. The blushing, the strange feeling, the fondness... You were falling in love with Shoto Todoroki.

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