Chapter Ten

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"Well, this is helpful."

You both stood, frustrated, as you faced the marching monsters. They were made of solid rock - they'd need force to break them.

"Okay. Shoto, you got a plan?"

He looked thoughtful, before replying.

"Hm... We may need to just run. The entrance is over there. Can you last that long?"

You smiled warmly.

"Thanks for the concern, but my injury feels a lot better now. Get ready to run."

You both stood, prepared, as the creatures swarmed.


You both raced forward. The creatures were quickly closing in. Suddenly, you heard Shoto make a sound of suprise. He had been grabbed by the ankle, and the creatures were slowly closing in. You were so close, and refused to give in.

"(Y/N), I'll get out of this on my own. Just run ahead."

"Not a chance, Shoto. I'm not leaving you on your own."

You then proceeded to blast the creatures away - they were heavy, but they were moving. You extended a hand to Shoto, and he took it, getting ready to run. You grinned, before feeling a blunt pain to your side.


You looked down to see a rock creature, scrambling to get up.

"Did that thing shoot itself at me?! Shoto, we need to go!"

He nodded, and you both started to run. You ignored the now throbbing pain in your side and the slowly returning pain of the burn, an animal instinct forcing you onwards.

Go, go, go!

That's when you heard it - Shoto had been smacked around the head, and was now on the floor, unconscious. You had both been so obsessed with getting out that you forgot to keep an eye on your defences.

"Crap, Shoto!"

You put his arm around your shoulder on your good side, and began to stumble forward. That's when you felt the ground start to go slippery... There was a path of ice. Shoto was conscious, but not enough to be unable move on his own. You extended a hand behind you, before propelling yourself with a blast of water. It was all the energy you had left...

Soon, you reached the end, stumbling at the exit. You had made it - All Might beamed.

"Well done, Miss (L/N), Mr Todoroki! Recovery girl is over there (He pointed towards the small, old lady) -  congratulations on reaching the end, even in the difficult environments."

You smiled as he gave you the thumbs up. Izuku and Ochaco ran over to help you.

"Wow, are you two okay?"

You nodded your head at Izuku.

"Yeah... Could use some help, though."

You gestured to Shoto, who was now slowly standing up. He had a hand to his head, and tried to walk on his own, but you and Izuku quickly put his arms over your shoulders. You sat, patiently waiting, as Recovery Girl helped out the unconscious boy. He quickly stood up, walking to a wall to be antisocial, as you headed over. Recovery Girl was ranting by the time you got there.

"These trials are far too dangerous... Ever since the whole All-For-One and Shigaraki incidents, the training has gotten harsher and harsher."

You looked thoughtful for a moment.

"I read up about that. It truly was an awful event."

Recovery Girl sighed, placing bandages on your leg. The pain in your side was gone now, and that in your leg was decreased significantly.

"That was a bad burn, young lady, and you are too exhausted to completely heal it. It'll be fine to put pressure on it now."

She handed you some bandages.

"Make sure to change the ones on your leg at least every 12 hours. Now, I best help this electricity boy - goodbye, Miss (Y/N)."

You bowed, before walking over to the quiet Shoto.

"You did really well out there, Shoto. Congratulations."

"Thank you for helping me, (Y/N)."

You blushed, before smiling and waving your hand. 

"You're welcome, Shoto."

You walked away, and he watched you go. Why did you make him feel so... strange?

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