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You stretched, feeling refreshed. Light broke in from the curtains - it was officially daytime. You loved waking up in your bright bedroom every morning. To you, it was very homely. Luckily, it was a Sunday, so you rested a while longer. You started to hear footsteps from outside your door - a hint to get up.

You soon headed down to make breakfast - nothing too fancy, just a bowl of rice. There were several others in the kitchen / seating area - Ochaco was listening to Deku's fanboy speech of the latest hero he'd seen. Kirishima was making pancakes - Bakugo was standing to the side, watching grumpily. But you knew him well enough to know he was enjoying Kiri's company.

You soon finished the rice, pouring it into a bowl and reaching for some chopsticks. You sat down on the couch, peacefully eating and observing your surroundings. Just as you put some rice into your mouth, you felt a certain someone wrap their arms around your shoulders. You smiled.


He stood up, before smiling and going to make himself some food. This was just your regular day at UA - spending time with Shoto and all your classmates. You could even get along with Mineta...sometimes. Whenever you felt too uncomfortable, he'd become a grape popsicle.

You soon finished your rice, placing it down onto the table. Since you didn't have much else to do, you decided to take out your phone and start reading Midnight again. It was extremely long, but you'd nearly finished it. You were tempted to buy the paper volumes of it.

"Hey (Y/N)! What ya reading?"

You smiled to see Kirishima join you. He seemed to have also finished eating. He peered over your shoulder at your phone. You tilted it slightly so he could see. His face lit up.

"Don't tell Katsuki, but he reads it too! He reads a bunch of shojos privately, y'know."

You smirked. You hadn't thought of Bakugo as that kind of guy, but you guessed that was where he got his ideas for dates from. Honestly KiriBaku were a sunshine power couple. Shoto sat on your other side, holding a bowl of soba. He seemed to eat a lot of soba, but you didn't mind. He smirked at your phone.

"Have you still not finished it, (Y/N)?"

You smiled, knowing that he had finished it last week. He could read a lot faster than you and enjoyed teasing you about it. You also knew ways to tease him - he got flustered surprisingly easily. It was fair karma when you teased him back.

"Not yet - are you reading any at the moment?"

He pulled out his phone, opening the manga app. You scrolled through his library, leaving him in peace to eat his breakfast. As well as a finished Midnight, there was Ouran Highschool Host Club, Demon Slayer, Rave Master and what you assumed was another shojo - Retrobeat.

"Hey, Shoto, what's this one?"

He glanced over at what you were looking at.

"Oh - It's another shojo. The protagonist is really spritely, kind of like you."

Shoto put his empty bowl down, before taking your phone. He typed it in, adding it to your library. You quickly snatched up both bowls in the process, placing them in the dishwasher. Shoto had gotten up already, taking your hand.

"What should we do today, (Y/N)?"

You thought for a moment. Sundays were often saved so you and Shoto could spend time together - you didn't ever do anything big, anyway. Suddenly your face lit up.

"Let's go to a cat café!"

He nodded - spending time with both cats and you sounded amazing. You both split apart to grab warm clothes for the cold weather, before meeting at the door. Shoto still looked very handsome in his brown coat and blue scarf. You opted for a coat, scarf and a (F/C) beanie. You both walked hand-in-hand into the city, looking around. There were a few christmas decorations around the town. It truly was a pretty sight.


Soon, you saw the pale colours of the cat café. A little bell chimed as the two of you entered. It was fairly empty - guests seemed to come later in the day. The two of you sat on a table as plump cat strutted over. He had a squashed face and snow-coloured fur. You quickly took off your coat and scooped the fluff-ball up. He began to play with your scarf, batting it back and forth before finally settling down on your lap. A young male walked over to you, holding a notebook.

"What would you like?"

You thought for a moment - what did you want? You decided to order a honey tea and a (F/C) - Shoto ordered the same. Soon, a black cat climbed up onto his lap. He was a large cat, who instantly purred once he had reached Shoto. It instantly snuggled deep into Shoto's black shirt. Soon your drinks arrived, and you tried to balance the cat and the drink. You noticed Shoto smirking at his efforts.

"And here are your desserts."

"Thank you very much - what are the kitty's names?"

The dark-haired waiter smiled, petting the white cat's head gently. The cat purred gently at the male's touch.

"Well here we have Mittens, and there we have Sooty. Each cat we keep here is loved, rescued from an animal centre."

You smiled, thanking him and eating your cake. It had a perfect taste. You talked with Shoto about random things - anime, school, even the cats. You felt blissful - you absolutely adored sundays.

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