Chapter 1-First Date

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Kristen's P.O.V

''You won't believe what I done do,'' my best friend Cassie shouted as she burst into my bedroom.

''Well, what you best done do is get out of my room,'' I retorted.

I was always the cranky one in our friendship for two and she was used to that. I know that because she ignored me and jumped on my bed bouncing slightly. I fully revolved in my desk chair to look at her, my face showing just how annoyed I was with a conversation that hasn't even started yet.

''I done got you a date,'' she squealed, her grin split her face in half and her eyes sparkled.

I blinked once then twice. I turned around and got back to work on my laptop.

''Did you hear what I said,?'' she asked confused as to my lack of reaction

''Heard and ignored,''

''But why?'' she whined like a four-year-old as she dragged out the end of the word.

''I don't need to go on a date,'' I stated, finality in my tone.

''Yes you do and you'll like him. I promise,''

''I don't need help''

''Yes you do. Your love life is sad and pathetic and as your self appointed best friend it is my duty to get you a man so, that you can get that d sis,'' she said then made rather crude thrusting motions with her hip. 

''I'm good, thanks though. You can cancel it now,'' I said not paying her little speech any mind.

Sure, I didn't have the most success with dudes, but I made my peace with that a long time ago. Plus I don't need a man to come and take control of my life, I have my mum and Cassie for that.

Speaking of Cass, she let out a loud long groan before saying,'' Come on Kris, I promise he's a really great guy,''

'' That's what you said about Micheal and, Dane, oh and, Conner. Let's not forget Sean oh how about-'' I was cut off.

 ''Ok. I get it but, I promise you, on our friendship and my girlfriend, that he is the one. I just know it. He's funny, he's smart, he's successful, he's good-looking''

''No Cassie, I'm busy. Why can't you just cancel?'' I was the four-year-old now.

''First, you can't be busy; I checked your schedule and you're free tomorrow. Do you really want to cancel at the very last minute? That's very unbecoming of you Kris plus, all you have to do is show up and look pretty,'' she pleaded.

I sighed. I needed to finish my work and I knew Cass wasn't leaving until she got what she came here for so I said, ''Fuck, fine I'll go. Geez now, can you get out so I can work in peace?''

''Sure,'' she grinned then skipped out of my room like a little fairy princess.

I rolled my eyes but, smiled. That's my best friend.

Focus Kris, let's do this then we can binge watch youtube and eat our weight in skittles.

Just as I was about to get to work I realised Cass didn't let me know where I was supposed to go or how I was supposed to dress. Damn it, no skittles for me tonight I thought to myself as I got up and went to Cass's room in our shared apartment.

After a long talk and an even longer shopping trip at nine in the night. I was half prepared for my date tomorrow. Cass told me she was booking a spa day for me, well spa morning, so that I could relax and look 'bootiful' for my date later.

I was never one to pass up a massage and a pedicure, much less a free one.


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