Chapter 9- The big reveal

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 This song has nothing to do with this chapter at all but I was listening to it when writing and uploading and damn I lost 30% of the water in my body because of it. Did you cry or am I a baby?

Recap: Kristen went on a date with a blind hunk rich dude named Alex, who has a son. After being together for while he invites her to London. She thinks it is to spend more time together since they have both been busy making that dough but it is secretly to do some business.

Kristen's P.O.V

The next day Alex and I went out for breakfast at this beautiful french style restaurant he likes and visits every time he's in England. I decided to order some chocolate crepes and Alex got waffles and scrambled eggs. It was so delicious, I would really want to come back here tomorrow.

''Do you want to go shopping?'' Alex asked me as we sat in the restaurant sipping the last bit of hot chocolate.

Did he want to go shopping? Don't guys hate shopping? This is weird for me. Nonetheless, I told him that I do, not because I like shopping ( I dislike having to constant change if I'm being honest) but because I wanted to go exploring with him.

''Good. I'll see you back at the house later. Enjoy yourself, here's my card. Bye,'' he said dropping his black card on the table and getting up.

''Wait, what? ''

''What? Don't you want to go shopping?'' he asked confused.

''I do but I thought we would go together. Isn't that why you asked me to come with you to London? ''

''Um well yeah,'' he said nervously rubbing the back of his neck. He inched towards the door. Something was up. Do I want to be an overbearing girlfriend or should I trust in him and our relationship?

''I'll go by myself,'' I said and got up taking his card with me. I passed and slipped his card in his pocket, kissed his cheek and left with a wave directed at Roger. I don't need his money.

I decided to go sightseeing at important places like Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace and a restaurant that sells cheese-covered burgers. Then I went to different malls to go shopping. I picked up things for my family. I got stuffed toys for my nieces, I got a cool hat for Abby's husband, I got a bracelet for Abby and some super cute shoes for Cass. I also bought another suitcase since I was certain I would need it in the future. When I was tired of walking around I decided to head back to the house, with much difficulty. 

When I got there I had the opportunity to absorb its extravagant exterior, I was speechless. The house had multiple windows facing the gate. The house was painted white with a blue ceiling, it had certain qualities that showed that it was built in the olden days but renovated to suit modern-day taste.

I thanked and, paid the driver before I made my way up the driveway to the door. I twisted the knob hoping it was open and alas it was. I should talk to Alex about burglaries. I wondered around the house self-appointing myself as a tour guide. I stumbled upon an office. By some plot convenience, the door was opened a bit and inside I found Alex's best friend and Sarah along with Alex. Roger's head perked up but he just laid back down, I guess he knew it was me. I listened in on their conversation and yes I know that I shouldn't have done that but I was curious as to why they were here.

''I'm not signing divorce papers Alex,'' Sarah said indignity as she folded her arms and stared out the window.

'' I wasn't fucking asking you, Sarah. The minute you decided to sleep with my best friend is the day you ended this relationship'' he sneered.

WHAT? Sarah slept with Alex's best friend? Lionel? But I thought they were only engaged?

''Why do we have to get divorced anyway? No one knows that we're married and why does it matter now?''

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