Chapter 8-To London

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Kristen's P.O.V

The constant banging on my door was very irritating. I knew that I would be the one to answer it since the noise would not bother Cass, the girl could sleep through a nuclear attack. I rolled out of my bed and stomped to the door.

''What?'' I snapped as I swung it open.

Alex stood there with a dumbfounded expression before he entered-without permission might I add.

''Are you mad at me or tired?'' he asked as he plopped down on the settee rubbing Roger's head.

''Both,'' I admitted sitting beside him. I put my head on his shoulder and he rested his cheek on my hair.

''What did I do?'' Alex asked confused.

''You're acting weird,'' I told him yawning.

''I'm sorry?''

''You should be,'' I said before curling up on his lap ready to go back to sleep.

''Are you going to sleep?''

I mumbled something in response.  I wasn't sure if he understood me, but he just chuckled and let me sleep on him.

''Do you want to go to London with me?'' Alex asked me quietly



I was quiet for a while. I was not expecting that. What's the worst that could happen? I'm young, I should enjoy life, right?

''Okay,'' I said and went back to sleep.


The next time I woke it was to Cass and Alex talking and, sipping something in a mug.


''Hey babe, we're leaving soon. Are you going to pack or do you want to buy clothes in London?'' Alex asked me.

London? Who's going to London? Then I remember that I agreed to go on a trip with Alex.

''I'll go pack. Why do you want to go to London?''

''I feel like it,''

With that, I went to get packed and we left twenty minutes later. I was a bit concerned about the tickets but, Alex told me that he already asked his assistant to buy two tickets. This would be good for our relationship.

''Do you have a private jet?'' I asked Alex as Cass drove us to the airport.

''No, why?''

''Well, I thought you would as a millionaire,''

''I don't. I care about the environment,'' he replied.

I kissed his cheek, it's not every day you find affluent people who care about things that don't directly affect them. The car ride was silent, I was thinking of all the sites I would visit and, stores I would explore. This was going to be great. We arrived at the airport and boarded the plane, first class, within an hour of arriving. This was surprisingly fast considering we had a dog with us but, apparently they had procedures for this type of situation. Alex asked me to get some pills from his bag-they were to help him sleep throughout the flight since he did not like travelling. I guess I was by myself for the whole eight-hour trip, I wasn't going to sleep because I don't feel comfortable sleeping on planes.

To keep myself occupied I watched some movies-thank heavens for in-flight wifi-and, I read a lot. Sometimes I would talk quietly to Roger but, I kept it quiet so as to not disturb anyone. Speaking of Roger he was extremely well behaved. My guess is that he was used to travelling or maybe when he was in training he was prepared to be accustomed to flights. At some point flight attendance went around with refreshments but, I asked her to leave Alex alone. I was in the window seat so I got the ability to look out the window as a form of entertainment. I'm not going to lie, I was beyond tired but I refused to sleep. Sure enough, we arrived at the airport and I decided to wake up Alex. While going through customs I was concerned about our transportation to where we were staying but, he told me he had a chartered car to take us to his home. I was only a little surprised that he had a house in a different country but the man was rich so I don't really know what I expect.

On the way to his house, I fell asleep, only a matter of time I guess. When Alex woke me, we were at the house which was a reasonable size-not too big, not too small; I liked it. I would have to wait until tomorrow to explore because Alex was ushering me to a room. The moment I saw the bed I was out like a light.


Shortest chapter yet. Sorry I wasn't posting I have no excuse. ( Couldn't think of one)

Hope the chapter was nice.

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