Chapter 3-Talk about your problems

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Picture of Roger above. I was debating putting up a picture of Cassie but the dog won. 

Kristen's P.O.V  

I sat in my living room in the dark with the covers swaddling my body. I felt like a burrito, warm and safe. The laughter on my television brought my thoughts away from the sadness that loomed over me. I was watching Friends while eating chocolate fudge ice cream made by Ben and Jerry, guys I know will never disappoint me. Just as Phoebe was about to reject Mike's proposal, my phone rang. It was Cassie. I just noticed she wasn't here. 

''Where are you? I'm at the cafe, why aren't you here?'' Cass asked immediately. 

''I came home, I wasn't feeling well,'' I said, it wasn't a lie per se. 

''I'm on my way,'' then she hung up. 

I sighed. As much as I love Cassie, I really just wanted to be by myself. Never the less I went to get more blankets and pop some popcorn. I wonder if Cass could get me some M&Ms on her way here? I dialled her number and she said she would get them, the thought of peanut M&Ms and popcorn made my mouth water. Before I knew it, Cass and I were cuddling under the blankets watching Friends and eating ice cream and popcorn. 

''Do you want to tell me about what happened?'' she asked as she softly patted my hair. 

''I don't know what you mean,'' I said, playing ignorant. 

''Well I went to your office, and you weren't there. Oh, and Alex called me asking if I knew where you were,'' 


''You're not going to say anything?'' she asked 


After that, she stayed quiet, allowing me to enjoy my series in peace. I knew she was thinking about it but, I couldn't be bothered with this right now. My eyes started to tear up, I was thinking about today. Was I overreacting? We've only been on one date, so why was I treating this as if we were together for years? Was it because I felt immediately connected to him?

''I think I overreacted today when I went out with Alex,'' I said quietly 

''What happened?'' 

So I proceeded to tell her about everything, including the part where Michael came into my office. She was quiet for a while, thinking about everything I just said. 

''I think,'' she started then paused ''I think you should talk to him. Relationships always go bad when people don't communicate.'' 

I nodded but, remained silent. She was right, I should talk to him I didn't want to ruin what we had. 

''I'll be back,'' I told her quickly before heading to my room to call Alex. After the second ring, he picked up. 

''Hi, '' 

''Hi, I'm sorry I acted the way I did today,'' I apologized. 

''No, I'm sorry that I upset you,'' he said 

''It's just that I thought that maybe our date night meant a lot to you, as it did to me,'' 

''It did mean a lot to me. I didn't want to seem I don't know desperate,'' 

I stayed quiet. Cass was right communication helps to fix relationships. 

''You still there?'' he asked when I said nothing 

''Yeah, I am. I'm glad we talked about this,'' 

''You know when we were at the ice-cream parlour, you could have told me about your concern,'' 

''You're right. I'm sorry,'' 

''Don't worry about it. Are we still on for tomorrow?'' he asked unsurely. 

''Yes we are, do you think you could find Le Cafe on your own?'' I wasn't sure if his disability to see would make it difficult for him to find it. 

''I can figure it out,'' 

''I could pick you up you know,'' 

''Really? We could do that. I can take my time to get dressed so that I can look pretty for you,'' he said jokingly. 

I laughed and said okay before hanging up. I felt so much better after talking to him, I have always been a drama queen. The door of my room opened, and Cass's head popped in, silently asking me if everything was okay. I merely nodded, and she smiled at me before closing the door. 

''I'm going to Ellice's,'' she called through the door. 

Ellice was Cass's girlfriend. She worked at a kindergarten, all the kids and their parents loved her. She was absolutely beautiful and equally as sweet. Her black curly hair was so bouncy and shiny, and I've only seen her angry once even when some random sexist douche said something to her about Cass. I liked Ellice, especially since she made Cass extremely happy. 

''Okay. Tell her I said hello,'' I called back. 

I sat in my room just staring at the ceiling for a while, I wasn't thinking about anything just enjoying the silence in the dark. I should do some actual work I thought to myself. Ever since Alex came into my life, I haven't really done much paperwork, something always came up or I was in my head. I rolled off my bed, reluctantly turned on the light, and sat at my desk chair, willing myself to work.  

''I'm hungry,'' I said to no one in particular. ''I think I'll make spaghetti and have chocolate chip muffins for dessert,'' and so I did. 

After cooking, eating, and cleaning, I tried hard to focus. I really wasn't in the mood for work. Maybe I'll take a nap and then get to work. Yeah, that will work, just a short nap. My alarm rang, frightening me out of my sleep. Puzzled as to why my alarm was blaring I looked about and noticed that it was the next morning. Short nap my ass. I groaned and face planted into my pillow, leaving my alarm to ring out. 

You have a date my sub-conscience reminded me.

 I let out a really long sigh but got up nonetheless. I need a long, warm shower pronto. I got out of the shower and got dressed in a white turtle neck cropped sweater and plaid skirt paired with black knee-high boots. I looked so cute. I then called Alex to get his address so that I could pick him up. Turns out he didn't live very far from me, I was at his door in ten minutes. He lived in a decent-sized house, it wasn't too big but, a bit much for someone who lives alone. 

Wait does he live alone? I should ask him when he gets out. As if on cue, he opened the door and walked out with Roger leading the way, looking as cute as ever. I took my time to assess his outfit, he was dressed in a dark blue shirt and black jeans.  I got out of my car to help him inside and, after exchanging greetings I drove off.



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