chapter 4

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*************BILLIE'S POV***************

i saw a grey mustang GT pull into the driveway, i automatically just assumed it was kat, or whatever she wants to be called. damn she got a nice car.

once i saw the car park and her door slightly open, i ran down the porch steps, meeting her immediately without saying anything to anybody. she is fucking gorgeous.

i put my arms out as soon as she stepped out of the car, greeting her with a hug. i didn't know what to say other than "hi my love." i could hear her giggle underneath my shoulder. i'm only 5'4 but i know she's a good few inches shorter than me. maybe 5'1 if she's lucky.

"hi! you look so cute." she said after looking me up and down once she got a chance to. all i could do was smile.

i reached out for her hand simply to guide her to the porch. it was weird showing her around since nobody new ever comes over. it's kinda risky.

aiden and conan immediately pull her into a group hug, leaving me, zoe. finneas, and drew just standing there watching. we all looked at each other and laughed. their friendship is so cute, and i remember conan telling me they hadn't seen each other in forever.

"oh shit i totally forgot. kat, this is finneas, my brother." i said pointing to him, then i did the same with everybody else, introducing them all to her. she was polite and said hi with a smile to all of them. her smile was genuinely so cute.

not too long after, we went to the living room where my mom and dad were sitting, i introduced them to her too, and she greeted my mom with a hug. it was too cute, so immediately i took out my phone to snap a picture. it was kinda cheesy but, she was being so nice.

"do u guys wanna go to my room? we can just chill and listen to music." i asked. i was kinda bored with sitting in the living room, honestly.

we all walked into my room, and immediately afterwards i switched my red lights on and plunked down on my bed. patting the spot next to me for kat, since we hadn't really talked much yet. everybody else sat either on the empty spots on my bed, or on the floor.

i switched my playlist onto the speakers, playing brockhampton first, it seemed like something kat would listen to. and i knew it was a good choice when she immediately started moving her head and mouthing the words.

"yo, we've barely talked since you've been here. you're the reason we're all here. talk to me shorty" i said, looking at kat. she just laughed and looked at me, taking a minute to reply.

"dude i don't know what u expect me to say. ur room is sick though. i love the lights"

i couldn't hold back my laughter.

"you like my lights? that's all ur gonna say bro? c'mon. let's talk about real shit." i said. i really wanted to get to know her. like seriously know her.

a few hours go by and we sat and talked about life and music. i don't think she knows i make music, since she hasn't brought it up yet. finneas and zoe talked about something the whole time, i wasn't really listening. and drew had become friends with aiden and conan. it felt like kat and i were all alone though even with everyone in the room. it was nice.

"hey, i really need to get going. curfew is 11." kat said, which made me disappointed and pout my lip. she just looked and laughed. but that's all she ever seemed to do. she hugged everyone goodbye, even finneas. and she told aiden and conan that she loved them.

"alright, i'll show you out." i said, just wanting some actual alone time with her, even if it was just for a minute.

we walked out of my room and through my living room, where she said bye to my mom and dad, and she pet pepper for a little bit. but she realized she actually had to go, so i lead her back to the front porch.

"i had a good time tonight! you're so down to earth and sweet. we need to stay in touch" she said. she's so pure and cute.

"dude don't even say that, i was gonna hit you up as soon as you stepped foot off my porch. of course i wanna stay in touch baby." there goes the baby again. i keep calling her that. habit, i guess.

"okay. have a good night. i'll expect that text as soon as i get in my car." she said, winking. she hugged me then started walking away. her phone dinged as soon as she walked off, and she turned back smiling, knowing it was me without even checking.

"you're ridiculous" she said, with a huge smile on her face. i could get used to that smile.

hi! this chapter kinda isn't very good and i wrote it at 3am but i figured it gives them more character and helps you kinda grow into the characters!!

leave feedback here pls<3

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